Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophetic Word: We Need 20/20 Vision for 2020

We’re one year into Trump’s presidency this month, with three more to go. This morning I heard, “It’s time now to cast your 2020 vision.” It was clear to me that this spoke of both the next presidential election as well as our own personal vision.

I have also been hearing, “Challenge yourself this year.”

I don’t care what age you are, if you’re breathing and reading this, you have a purpose to fulfill, and you need to get on with it. Quit wasting time.

I go to many places where people want another prophetic word, but they have not gone after the ones they have already received. Why would God give them another instruction when they have not yet walked out the ones He’s already released to them?

Not only do you have prophetic words you’ve already received to fulfill, but there are others hanging out there to be given to you once you are obedient to your previous instructions. So it’s time to get busy.

I believe we are about to receive a huge booster thrust from heaven to catch us up in that area (Joel 2:25) as well as to thrust us forward in preparation for 2020. But individually, the release of that 2020 vision depends on our obedience to what’s already been revealed to us.

Faith without works is dead.(see James 2:17). James said, “I’ll show you my faith by my works” (James 2:18).

James 2:14 says, “What does it profit, my brothers, if a man says he has faith but has no works? Can faith save him?” (James 2:14).

Good question. What good has it done to “keep believing for” something if you do nothing towards it? If you “keep believing” that you are going to be a great piano player but you do not get a piano, take lessons or practice, “It ain’t gonna happen.” And it’s the same way with that stack of goals, dreams, visions and prophecies you’ve collected over the years.

It’s time to challenge yourself to complete them and cast your vision for 2020.

2020 Election

If you think this last election was tumultuous, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” The church must not waste one moment being complacent about the 2020 election. We must do everything we can between now and then to keep the ball rolling. The past one didn’t happen by itself, and the next one sure won’t.

The Number 8

The number eight is in both our 2018 calendar and the 5778 Jewish calendar for this year. Eight is the number for new beginnings as well as unity. On its side, it’s the symbol for infinity/eternity. What we do now can be of lasting, eternal significance for our children, grandchildren, and generations to come. So let’s make our time here count. Additionally, on its side it appears as a pair of eyeglasses, which represents restoration of 20/20 vision, no matter what our visual impairments have been spiritually speaking. That’s a great promise for us this year.

Raise the Bar

Rick Joyner and my spiritual papa prophet Bob Jones have said, “Let our ceiling be your floor so you can start out at a higher place than we did.”

Let’s now raise the bar for our next generations so they can achieve greater success than we have, meaning for both our natural and spiritual descendants.

20/20 Vision for 2020

20/20 is considered to be the best eyesight possible. I believe the Lord wants to release to us 20/20 vision for the year 2020 now.

Let’s not get caught up in the enemy’s distractions and end up only having that “hindsight is 20/20” mindset. That’s a waste of time. We need to pursue walking in the best state of mind and vision NOW so that we are on time and on target for the year 2020 when it comes.

Don’t Waste Time

Challenge yourself. Do not waste time.

In a recent interview, Arnold Schwarzenegger said that every time he thinks of going back to bed, he thinks again of what he could accomplish in that extra hour and it makes him go ahead and get up and do something valuable. That’s so powerful.

We can either achieve or be deceived. It’s time to achieve what God has promised us and quit being deceived and wasting time by believing the lies of the enemy that we are not able.

The Challenge

Again, this is both a word for us about preparing for the next presidential election as well as our personal lives. They go hand in hand.

Challenge yourself by writing your vision—your goals—so that you may see them unfold and come to pass (Hab. 2:2-4).

Challenge yourself by pursuing them.

Challenge yourself by pushing yourself beyond your self imposed limitations and excuses. “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”

Challenge yourself to achieve something specific every day this year. Daily write out 10 goals and daily achieve them.

Challenge yourself and go for it. Whatever “it” is, you can and will achieve it. If you go for it. So, “Just do it.”

2020, Here we come!

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