Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Word: ‘These Will Be the Greatest Days of Your Life’

Are you concerned and worried about the chaos in the world right now? If so, the Lord says to you: “Fear not! It is a moment of opportunity!”

When Holy Spirit spoke to me about this subject today, this is what He said:

“I am calling you to think differently than the world thinks. I am calling you to be the opposite of the world. While the world is in chaos, I am sitting on you to bring order, excitement and new opportunities.

“New ideas and creative solutions are opening to you right now. Think it not strange that this fiery trial has beset you! Instead, think of it as I think of it. It is an opportunity to show the world how different you are!

“When the world goes down, My people go up.

“When the world is besieged and under attack, My people have victory. All you have to do is notice the victory I am giving you! I am right now giving you opportunity to:

—Rest, when you refused to rest before.

—Be creative, when you were too busy before.

—Start that business you’ve dreamed of starting, but never got around to starting before.

—Help people through the solutions that only you know—the solutions I Myself have given you, but that you were too busy to implement before.

“I have given you a great gift by working this out for your good!

“Even now I am working, and this brief season will be a pivotal point in your life, if you will let it be so. Think not that I have forsaken you; I will never leave you. Indeed, I have actually gone before you into this season and have prepared you in advance for what I knew you would need!

“I am the God of ‘always new.’

“I make all things new at all times. I am right now giving you new ideas to implement, new co-missions to carry out with Me and new paths for your feet to walk!

“I the Lord am excited about this season. I am overjoyed at the level of attentiveness to Me that My people are suddenly showing. With your ear turned to Me, we can get things done! Together, we can move forward and manifest the victory that My Jesus paid with His very life for you to have!

“These will be the greatest days of your life if you will let them be.

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with My eye upon you. Maintain your attention on Me, and I will lead you, for I, the general of heaven, command the army of righteous angels. Do you not think that I can lead you?

“Remember that I, and only I, know the end from the beginning.

“I exist in your present and in your future right now. I am God who is, and who was, and who is to come. That means that I Am now, I always have been and I already am in the ‘is to come.’ In other words, I exist now; I have always existed and I exist in the future already.

“Future to you is defined by how many times the earth revolves around the sun. But for Me it is defined by My plans that I have written in My books about your life. I’m already in those plans and I see the beginning and the end of them, so you don’t need to worry about a thing.

“Pour your heart out to Me often in prayer during these days.

“As you pray, expect Me to answer. Expect Me to move. For you will see Me move swiftly,” says the Lord. “Yes, even more swiftly than you could have imagined I would move.

“Take care of others and obey Me like you have always done. I am the Lord and I do not change, so My commands for you have not changed. I wish only for you to know that I am God in the midst of this, and My glory I will not share with another.

“I will not allow any sickness or disease to steal My glory. I will not allow distress or persecution to share My glory. My glory is Mine; the heavens are Mine; and I am answering your prayers right now, as we speak.

“Rejoice, for you have the victory!

“Shout, for you have already taken the city! Shout, for the walls have fallen down! The enemy’s attack is smoke and mirrors, but you, My people, shall prosper!

“These are the best of days, not the worst of days. They are the beginning of days, not the end of days. Yes, I come quickly, but My kingdom is ever expanding in your life and on the earth.

“I am endowing you with power from on high. In My name you shall cast out demons, speak with other tongues and go to war against the shadow-power of the enemy. In My name you will defeat the foe at every turn, for My Word says:

These signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover (Mark 16:17-18).

“The book of Mark would be a good one for you to read right now, for it is a description of My power,” says the Lord.

“Keep yourself encouraged by remembering My former works of power, strength and healing. Build yourself up in the Spirit by praying in your most holy faith, for it is the prayer of faith that saves the sick, and I the Lord will raise them up. Stir up the gifts that have been given to you by the laying on of hands.

“Do more of what I have commanded you to do in these days, not less,” says the Lord.

“Be aggressive in the building of My kingdom. Become equally aggressive in taking your rest as I tell you to as well. Use this opportunity to reach the world with My Good News, for it is a moment in which opportunities I have created shall suddenly spring forth.

“Behold, I do a new thing! Shall you not know it?

“Even now, I make rivers in the wilderness and streams in the desert! You thought things would be dry and stale, but you have entered into the most fruitful season of your life. You believed doom had come, but I tell you today that opportunity has come!

“Ask Me to show you every opportunity, and do not miss one,” says the Lord. “Ask Me for wisdom, and I will give it. Ask Me to prosper you, and I will, for it is My good pleasure to give you the kingdom and My will prospers in My hand.

“Be strong, and be encouraged. Do not fear, for I, the Lord your God, am with you, to keep you wherever you go.

“Lift up your eyes to the hills and know that your help comes from Me. I will not allow your foot to be moved. I am the Lord who keeps you, and I do not slumber or sleep. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of the wilderness.

“This is your promised land.

“To the world, this situation spells doom, but to you, My people, it spells O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y. Ask Me to show you the opportunities, and I will. Do not hesitate to move on these opportunities I will show you, and you will find Me faithful.

“Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it! For I, the Lord, decree and command the blessing to you, even life forevermore! Hallelujah!”

Is the Spirit of God speaking to you through this word? {eoa}

Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author, speaker and presence-seeker whose heart is for the local church. Called to intercession and prophetic ministry, her passion is to see sons and daughters transformed by the love of Abba Father. Jamie blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about prayer, personal revival and the supernatural lifestyle and she has written for various ministry outlets. She holds a master’s in biblical studies from Berea Seminary and is a grateful member of the Redbud Writers Guild. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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