Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Set Time of Favor Has Come

Recently I have been hearing the words in my spirit: for the set time to favor her has come.” God sets the timing for favor to be released, according to His purposes for specific seasons. The body of Christ is being established now and positioned by God into a new sphere of supernatural favor to accomplish His plan and His will in the season ahead.

The enemy is counteracting with fierce warfare against the people of God and we can easily miss the movement that is breaking us out by becoming distracted by our personal warfare!

There are places God is about to take us and things He has ordained for us to do that only He can orchestrate. These are things that require supernatural intervention that we cannot do for ourselves. When the appointed time arrives, God’s favor will suddenly open doors, phone calls will be received and divine appointments will occur in the spirit of serendipity, where events suddenly happen by chance to aid and benefit us for the road ahead.

God will bring us to the forefront and position us where He needs us to be, to release the influence assigned to us. We each have been given a voice of influence to affect the atmosphere around us and usher in God’s kingdom purposes. God uses prophetic voices to build the spiritual structures He needs for a particular season to hold the new dynamic of His will for that time. As He told Jeremiah:

“Behold, I have put my words in your mouth. See, I have set you this day over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant” (Jer. 1:9-10, ESV).

Finances will come in on time to support the work and to get the job done. Things will happen spontaneously because God is on your side and is working to bring you into your place of influence assigned to you for 2022 and the years ahead. You have been faithful and obedient over the years, persevering through the trials and the waiting for your time; now God says the time of favor has come!

“You will arise and have mercy on Zion; for the time to favor her, yes, the set time, has come” (Ps. 102:13, NKJV).

The Hebrew word for Favor is chanon and means “to bestow favor; to bend in kindness to an inferior.” Isn’t this so wonderful that God would bend down to give us a kiss of favor? The word set time is the word moed and means “an appointment and a fixed time or season; a due season.”

God does ordain set times of favor for His people and for individuals—their due season. Sometimes these times are appointments in His presence where He imparts what is needed for the new assignment. God will not ask you to do what He is not prepared to support and to ensure takes place. However, to occupy the new place prepared for you will require what may seem to be a risk but are just steps of faith, causing you to press through the new doors and occupy your new territory!

Favor to accomplish the will of God is completely orchestrated by Him. It is not anything that you can work up or strive to attain. The people who need to find you will find you. God’s plan will search you out and establish you. When you honor God with your life and honor what He honors, the doors of favor will begin to swing wide open for you. When you keep God in first place, as your number one priority, He does the same for you! Doors will begin opening that no one can shut, and when He shut doors that need to be shut from the past, no one can open them again. We have stepped into a new day and the old doors are shut!

Isaiah 22:22 is the key of favor being offered to us in this year. It’s the key promised to David, to Jesus and to the followers of Jesus. It is a key of favor that opens doors into kingdom realms and possibilities that only God can open.

David was very precious to God and a man God delighted in because of his obedience and his humility, and the Lord defended and protected David’s destiny to rule as king. Joseph and Daniel and Esther were other saints who were beloved by God the Father. The Lord preserved each one of them for set times and assignments in key moments of history. Joseph was sent ahead and given great favor to preserve life, according to Genesis 45:5.

We’re coming into a season of the resurrection glory of God. And this glory is the weight of His substance as God. Our internal capacity to contain God is increasing and making us ready to be thrust out. The resurrection anointing is now getting us ready to break out of the grave and break out of the old dead places.

How does this happen? God is our thrust! He is the fire and the power beneath our feet. When we are thrust out, there will be no turning back.

The word key in Isaiah 22:22 is from the root word pathach and means “to open wide and to break forth, to loosen and to let go free. God is about to let us go free to run the race He has ordained for our lives. This is the new dynamic we are entering into this year. The opening of doors; the impartation of keys. If God says the “set time has come”—get ready! Step into your place and take your position.

God is now planting seeds of peace and prosperity in a time where we are being called to finish the work to complete the building of His house. What will sabotage the favor of God on your life? The answer is when you try to do it yourself; when you attempt to control and to push yourself forward.

God’s presence carries His favor that will be going with us in the days ahead.

We have walked through two years, in 2020 and 2021, of praying, interceding and decreeing fervently without seeing much fruit. We have now entered a type of “third day resurrection glory” now breaking out! Who would have thought or predicted that God would answer the cry of the people of Canada and of other nations with a Freedom Convoy of magnificent and courageous truckers? We prayed for two years and God came through in the morning of the third year with a suddenly that has caused the world to stop and take notice! Suddenly we have an army emerging that is comprised of a new breed of freedom fighters taking a stand for truth and justice.

This generation of saints living today is a forerunner party fashioned to track with Christ in the days moving forward. It is massively important to now stand corporately with shields locked as God rises in this hour to perfect all that concerns us and concerns His will being done in our lives. Isaiah 64:4 (NLT) is a word God is giving us for this season:

“For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like You, who works for those who wait for Him!” {eoa}

Faith Marie Baczko is the president of Headstone Ministries International—a ministry that is rich and robust in the purposes and plans of God. She is a prophetic teacher and author, bringing significant revelation to mobilize, equip and strengthen the body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. Faith is an international speaker and has garnered enduring relationships with leaders united in a passion for truth and enduring revival. Faith is an author of several books; her latest release is available now on Amazon, A Rising Called For!

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