Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Watch Me Release My Redemptive Power’

I woke up on April 4, 2020, hearing the most unusual phrase. I heard the phrase, “Robert Downey Jr. and the two false witnesses clarion through the atmosphere,” as if to announce the plans of God in the midst of national and global upheaval spreading across the media.

Due to the unusual nature of this phrase, I haven’t been able to shake its significance over the past several months. Because of this, I’ve been on an energetic search of discovering its meaning and proper interpretation through the leading of Holy Spirit.

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and it is the honor of kings to search out a matter (Prov. 25:2, MEV).

The Spirit of God often drops timely revelation into our spirit through abstract sentences to draw us into the heart of God in a deeper way. In my experience, the Father sends these types of prophetic encounters to awaken our heart to relevant kingdom truths and uncover hidden realities behind the veil of the spiritual realm, through the identifiable voice of the Holy Spirit.

Oftentimes, gaining understanding through this type of prophetic revelation leads us through a process of searching out and discovering the will of God through a deep examination of current events and through studying relevant and timely Scriptures. The last time I heard such an unusual phrase from the Holy Spirit quicken my heart such as this was in 2017 when the Lord appeared at my bedside and said, “Paris Hilton never did like Chuck Smith.”

Robert Downey Jr. is a well-known Hollywood entertainer who has had a resurgence and miraculous comeback of his career. After moderate success as a childhood actor, he fell into legal troubles in the early 2000s, which left him incarcerated for years. Downey’s time of confinement and public chastening became the awakening required for catapulting him into the miraculous emergence of his worldwide celebrity and fame. The very challenges sparking a public outcry for labeling him as a high-risk commodity in his profession created a platform for releasing his current testimony.

Not only did Downey’s infamous comeback restore his reputation from what the consensus deemed as a tragic loss to the Hollywood entertainment industry, and to the world, but his promising new future was evidence of the hand of God making room for his giftings, despite past beliefs and judgments incorporated through the “courts” of the world.

Interestingly enough, Downey’s most acclaimed work, playing the role of Charlie Chaplin (a silent movie legend) in 1992, provided him with a new voice in a new era, through an iconic media personality famously known for his absence of sound!

Downey’s most recent work, a series highlighting the life and times of Perry Mason (post- and prior to the Great Depression) profiles a private investigator turned defense lawyer who fights for the justice and freedoms of the falsely accused. Perry Mason’s stellar record of winning every case on behalf of his persecuted clients was the framework of his career. The premise of Perry Mason’s strategy for exonerating those falsely accused was exposing the works of darkness through eyewitness accounts along with the examination of public testimony.

“This is the third time I am coming to you. ‘In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established'” (2 Cor. 13:1).

The parallel between Downey’s life trajectory, the body of work exemplified through the evidence of his dramatic comeback and the disclosure of this timely revelation in the times and seasons in which we live, gives us a glimpse into the heart and mind of God at this hour. Despite his belief systems or spiritual preferences in a culturally and spiritually lost world, his story of transformation, redemption and reformation through the saving grace of “higher powers” (God, law and order) is a forerunning message of how the Spirit of God has His eye on the entertainment, media and governmental mountains in this new era.

I hear the Spirit of God say:

“Watch for Me to move in the hearts of men, to bring comebacks for the displaying of My power. Watch for justice to reign on the unjust who falsely accuse what I intend to use as examples of My prodigals coming home. Watch for the voice of the voiceless to arise across the land with a message of My merciful love as their saving grace at this hour. Watch for the watchmen to release a new sound in the entertainment and the governmental systems across the land. ‘Watch,’ I say, ‘Watch!’ Watch Me move through the false media and through the false testimonies to exonerate what I have proven. Watch Me raise up a standard against the enemy which no man can refute or fumble. Watch Me drop a plumbline for measuring what’s crooked in this land. Watch Me release My redemptive power on behalf of the pure in heart and watch Me awaken the voice of the turtledove for announcing a new day had dawned.”

“For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jer. 29:11).

Witnessing the Greater Day of Glory

I had a dream back in 2019 where I was riding in the back seat of a car while observing the wheat being separated from the tares in the fields of harvest. Along with witnessing God move for preparing the land to receive His glory, a fresh wind of the Spirit exposed the works of darkness through an anti-Christ spirit operating across the land (Acts 2:1,11). Although the church shook with the sounds of a coming revival, it was through the voice of two witnesses (two people groups) that brought reformation across the land.

The Spirit of God says:

“It’s time to rise up and roar My purposes across the earth. It’s time to herald the message of My gospel into the heart of every nation to eradicate the fear of the unknown. It’s time to move My power across the earth so the world experiences My love in an Ephesians 3:20 way. We are at a tipping point around the world. This tipping point is positioned to lift My church over the anti-Christ spirit and into being the light I have called her to be at this hour.

“This tipping point is the catapult for making My name famous without the fanfare of a modern-day revival. I am coming beyond the speed of light and sound. I am ready to adorn My bride in all her splendor as the earth concedes to the brightness of My coming. I am calling My prophets to the forefront at this hour. I am calling the voice of one crying in the wilderness to make ready a people for a move of My blazing fire and radiant glory.

“I speak now to the radical left. I speak to the fear perpetuating the earth through the hands of rebellious men. Is My arm too short that I cannot save? Is My hand too weak that I will not strengthen the weak knees and the trembling hearts of My people? Are My ways not higher than your ways? Am I not the God of peace who leads every sheep led astray back into the safety of My fold? I say this to you, I am coming for you at this hour. I am sending an array of angelic messengers to shift the dark night of your soul. I am turning your heart into a bright and shining light in the midst of gross darkness. I am removing the tares of deception, and I am giving you a new heart for the saving of many souls.

“To those who hear My Word, I am working even now in the midst of you. I have seen and yes, I know the number and the longevity of your days. I know the plans that I have for you; Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; Plans to give you a future hope beyond your wildest dreams. I am coming quickly, and My recompense is coming with Me. I am coming speedily, and My rewards are many. I am making a way where there seems to be no way, and I am coming as My prophet Joel has stated, to pour out My Spirit in these last days.”

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or imagine, according to the power that works in us” (Eph. 3:20). {eoa}

Holly Watson is a prophetic voice throughout the body of Christ, called to share the Father’s heart to His church. Her passion is to release the heart of the Father in a pure and uncompromising way, while stirring this generation with the fire of the Holy Ghost. Holly’s desire is to see every person walk in liberty and freedom in Christ through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Holly ministers under a strong prophetic anointing and releases the healing power of the Holy Spirit under the Luke 4:18 mandate.

Visit Holly Watson at

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