Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Repent, Rest and Reset’

One of the primary things the Lord spoke to me in the beginning of 2020 was that the body of Christ, at large, was in a time of recalibration. God also showed me a vision of a luxury car that looked very beautiful on the outside, however, it lacked momentum, endurance, stability and horsepower.

The Father compared this car to His church and its desperate need for realignment. His church doesn’t appear to be sluggish, drained, powerless or unstable, but it has been in need of attention to address what’s going on, on the inside.

Over time, like a car steering column with all four wheels on their axles, it can become very loose, shaky, suspect, unbalanced and potentially dangerous if not attended to. The steering wheel will need a realignment for there to be better control of the vehicle. The steering wheel gives direction and controls the wheels’ movements. If the axle that supports the wheels on the car is not sturdy enough and aligned properly, then it can create further damage to the vehicle’s overall performance and, ultimately, the wheels could fall off and create life-threatening situations for the driver and passengers.

Furthermore, if you ever get all new tires on your vehicle, you are required to get a wheel alignment. Why is wheel alignment important? It is essential and necessary for tracking, which is the process of ensuring a car’s wheels are set to the optimum position, as per the car manufacturer’s specifications. Incorrect alignment can create rapid, irregular tire wear and can ultimately impact the handling of the vehicle.

Likewise, it is the enemy’s plan in this season to wear out the saints, but God wants to align us for maximum performance in the Holy Spirit. The Lord said that He is aligning and realigning His people back to His original plan and purpose for them. He is exposing things on purpose so that believers will not walk in fear but supernatural faith to push back darkness and change the negative demonic narrative as a result of this pandemic. He is calling on the prophets, prayer warriors, leaders and believers to join forces to discern, disarm and destroy the works of the enemy.

Why wheel alignment and what is its purpose, spiritually speaking, you may ask?

Wikipedia says this about wheel alignment: “Wheel alignment, sometimes referred to as breaking or tracking, is part of standard automobile maintenance that consists of adjusting the angles of wheels to the car manufacturer specifications. The purpose of these adjustments is to reduce tire wear and to ensure that vehicle travel is straight and true (without ‘pulling’ to one side). Alignment angles can also be altered beyond the maker’s specifications to obtain a specific handling characteristic.”

One may ask, “Well what does this have to do with the season we are in right now?”

God said that the body of Christ is in a time and season of alignment and realignment; and in this new era and decade, He wants His body to go through a supernatural repositioning to come away and get a plan of action to address this unseen turbulence. In other words, what we are encountering in this global crisis, pandemic, civil unrest and economic uncertainty was not created by Him but by an unseen enemy—to kill, steal and destroy the overall purpose and destiny of God’s church. However, Jesus declares in Matthew 16:18-19:”And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

Possessing the Prophetic Advantage

The enemy is unmatched against the body of believers; we are called to become God’s prevailing people against the forces, strategies and agendas of Hell (Matt. 16:18). God told me that what the enemy meant for your harm He is turning around for your good. We must not succumb or give in to what is happening around us in the natural. God is equipping, educating and empowering His people in the secret place to become a secret stealth weapon against the enemy.

Amos 3:7-8 declares, “Surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing His purpose to His servants the prophets. The lion has roared; who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken; who can but prophesy?”

In the year of the mouth, the Lord is sounding the alarm through His prophetic voices, that will give divine instructions to the body of Christ with heavenly intel and strategies to outwit the enemy at his own war games.

Moreover, the Lord declared to me in prayer that the body of Christ must possess the prophetic advantage in this season as we prepare for what is yet to come in the following months. The presidential election is one agenda the enemy is targeting. We must pray and fast like never before.

We are in the middle of intense spiritual warfare; the enemy is the puppeteer behind this pandemic to control and manipulate what is projected over the media. I must admonish you not to listen to fake news or reports. Whose report will you believe? The report of the Lord should be your answer, in faith and boldness (see Mark 5:25-34).

Also, I declare to you prophetically that there are greater and brighter days ahead of us, even though it may not look like it in the natural world. Keep in mind that it is in times like these that God uses the darkest moments to speak and reset things back to His divine plan. He has done this since creation. When the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, suddenly, it was God’s opportune time to move upon the face of the waters and speak: “Let there be light!” And light came out of the shadows of darkness (Gen. 1:2-3).

When gross darkness hits the earth, it is the greatest time for the prophets to speak up and out, to declare and decree, “Let there be healing, peace, joy, breakthrough, revival and light in darkness.” It doesn’t matter what things looks like now, or how the year 2020 started out—as things look the opposite of what the prophets of God prophesied. God said it’s not over! He says to continue to anticipate your breakthrough in faith. For His promises for you are and will be “yes and amen” before the year is out.

However, in the meantime, God is asking these questions:

—What are you doing while being quarantined?

—What will you do with the time you have while waiting for things to go back to normal?

—Are you hearing and leaning into what God is saying through this pandemic?

—Have you allowed fear, doubt and hopelessness to settle in?

—Are you sick and tired and feeling hope is deferred?

God is adjusting and aligning the spinal cord of His body in this hour. He is the chiropractor who is correcting and aligning what has been misaligned in the joints of His body.

3 Words: ‘Repent, Rest and Reset’

In prayer, the Lord gave me three words that He wanted me to share with His people in this hour. He declared that this is a time and season where we must repent, rest and reset. When this pandemic hit rapidly in many places—especially the United States in late February—and things were beginning to shut down as a result of it, the Lord said that it was time to repent. {eoa}

Dr. Hakeem Collins is a part of a new generation of world changers. Gifted with a unique dual apostolic and prophetic call, he is a sought-after conference, church and ministry speaker who has traveled extensively throughout the United States preaching the message of the kingdom. He is the author of: 101 Prophetic Ways God Speaks, Heaven Declares: Prophetic Decrees To Start Your Day, Prophetic Breakthrough: Decrees That Break Curses & Release Blessings, and Command Your Healing: Prophetic Declarations to Receive and Release Healing Power.

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