Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘My Provision Is Tied to My Nature’

Beloved, have you been praying and believing for the Lord to do great things in your life? If so, then today’s prophetic word is for you.

I heard the Lord say:

“I want My people to know today that I am their provider and their source.

“My beloved child, in whom I am well pleased, hear Me well when I say this: I will provide all your needs according to My riches in glory, and I will do it well. I do a good job of everything I do, and I am excellent in all My ways.

“My goodness rolls off of Me in the form of your abundant provision (Ps. 68:10). It is not possible for Me to be anything less than generous with you, for I am generosity Itself. I am generosity, and so I can be nothing less than generous with you, to you and for you.

“My provision is tied to My nature.

“Provision is who I am. It is what I am and it is in Me through and through. Just as I cannot separate Myself from My holiness, so I also cannot separate Myself from My provision for you.

“Sow a seed today and watch Me work. Watch what I can do as the great master gardener. I indeed am God Most High, who sits above the circle of the earth. My throne is the treasury of heaven; I sit above all manner of powers and banking systems and wealth in the universe. From Me all good things exude.

“What do you need today? You have only to ask.

“I will not tell you ‘no’ if you ask for something according to My will! Please hear Me when I say: I will not tell you no. I say ‘yes, yes, yes’ to you today!

“You also need to know that I have not forgotten the seeds you have already sown. The seeds you have sown are in the ground, and I am brooding over them. I am expanding them and growing them; even now they are bursting! Leaves and shoots are beginning to form on your seeds, and although it has taken a long time, the biggest harvest comes when I take My time to germinate your seed.

“Sometimes I even combine seeds for you. When you sow seed upon seed for the same thing, your new seed acts as fertilizer for your older seed. Every seed you sow puts Me in remembrance of your harvest, and I am beside Myself with joy as I see you partnering with Me to grow your measure of seed in the ground!

“Remember that every seed you sow is from Me anyway. I am the one who gives your seed to you; I give seed to the sower. It is who I am. So, when I know that you will sow, I give you seed and seed and seed because I am a gardener, and I don’t like seed to be wasted. So I give seed to people I trust to sow it because I don’t want any seed to dry up or be wasted on the earth.

“I am populating the earth with My children by giving seed to you. The Garden of Eden was not the last garden I planted; I am planting the whole earth with My seed, and I need people who will partner with Me to reveal My garden of beautiful blooms on the earth. I made the Garden of Eden just the right size for two children (Adam and Eve), but now I am making the whole earth to be My garden, for I have many children.

“Will you partner with Me today to grow My garden? Will you believe Me and receive from Me? Will you help Me in My work as the great master gardener?

“I am building a garden that will surpass the beauty of every fine garden the world has ever seen. I am building a garden where My children abide together in My beauty and My love. I am building a place for you both in heaven and on the earth, and I am making all things new for you.

“Believe Me for provision and believe Me for harvest. Partner with Me as we make this garden grow together. I will show you how true gardening is done, and you will walk with Me in the place of My pleasure and delight.

“My delight is in you,” says the Lord. “You are My child, whose life was written in My book before the age of the world ever began. You are My beloved one and My delight, and it is My thrill to hold your hand and bring you both your provision and your harvest.

“Love, Papa.” {eoa}

Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author, speaker and presence-seeker whose heart is for the local church. Called to intercession and prophetic ministry, her passion is to see sons and daughters transformed by the love of Abba Father. Jamie blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about prayer, personal revival and the supernatural lifestyle, and she has written for various ministry outlets. She holds a master’s in biblical studies from Berea Seminary and is a grateful member of the Redbud Writers Guild. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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