Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says ‘My Angels Are Unraveling the Plans of Our Enemies’

Recently, the Holy Spirit gave me a vision of a calendar, showing me February 6th through March 31st, 2022. On each day, the word “change” was written. We have indeed seen major changes occurring in our nation and world in these recent months.

After seeing the word “change” on those days, the remainder of the calendar was blank. I had a sense that some of the future calendar would be decided by us, the King’s Ekklesia. In other words, actions that the Ekklesia takes, or doesn’t take, will fill in the calendar, as well as events God has already planned.

I am confident God has “suddenlies” planned that will take hell by complete surprise. I have heard the Holy Spirit say, “There are surprises on my calendar.” I’m confident that notable miracles, supernatural deliverances, outpourings, revivals and turnarounds are on the calendar. Days of shaking and change will now gain momentum, building in intensity and strength to fulfill the purposes of the Godhead. This should fuel our hope, faith and expectation.

Hebrews 12:24-28 gives us insight into the shaking of our present days. God’s creative and transformative voice is declaring from heaven: “Shake! Change! Reorder!” He is bringing order to chaos. We know His Word does not return void. Verse 26 in The Message Translation says that God is going to clean His house during this shaking and get rid of “religious junk.” The “junk” will be shaken and removed so that essentials of the kingdom can be seen. The voice of the Lord is declaring against religious lies, deception, compromise, self-righteousness and sin. God is cleaning His house.

These Scriptures also say that world systems will be shaken. A system is a set of principles by which something is done, a set of procedures that are followed, an organized method of operation. In the context of kingdoms, it is a set of rules by which cultural, social, political and governmental orders operate.

There has been demonic intrusion into those systems. World orders have been corrupted by demonic influence. Procedures have been put in place to oppose God, His ways, His will and His church. The world’s order … is out of order. So, God says, “I’m going to shake those systems, procedures and methods. I’m shaking the world order and through it will change things. I’m going to shake demonic activities that are infecting world systems against me. Corporate business and government bodies that have busied themselves with opposing me and my will are going to experience system failures.”

In the coming weeks, you will see these system failures as God opposes them. Days of shaking and change are accelerating.

Recently, I heard the Holy Spirit characterize it another way: “The unraveling has begun.” I knew another supernatural aspect of God’s plan was beginning to unfold. As always, I began to pray, asking for insight into this. The Holy Spirit responded by clearly saying, “Deep systemic corruptions are now unraveling. Conspirators, co-conspirators and enablers will see their schemes revealed, just as Cain, Haman and Judas did. What is hidden will be revealed.”

I was then reminded of a prophetic word I received that I believe is now in its moment. Here are portions of it:

“My angels are unraveling the plans of the enemies of our kingdom. They are unraveling demonic schemes and government corruption. They are carrying out decrees of the King’s Ekklesia. The camouflaging garments of hidden agendas are being torn apart to reveal and expose the schemers aligned with hell’s kingdom.

“My angels are pulling on threads that hold together wicked cover-ups. The cover-ups will now unravel. I have commissioned Michael to release sufficient warriors from his army to assist my Ekklesias and unlock America. They will swing the battering rams of heaven, energized by your decrees of my Word. My Ekklesia and the angel armies will explode on strongholds and destroy them, sending shock waves around the earth.

“I will release an acceleration of sweeping change across the nation. I will unravel evil plans, cover-ups, coups, conspiracies, diabolical dynasties and fraud. For the decrees of my governing Ekklesia have fueled and activated vortex fire tornadoes against the enemies of heaven. They will spin with my angels, rolling through the land to level demon strongholds and systems of evil.

“Supernatural reversals to demonic activity against my church will be seen. My angels are riding the winds, pulling the ropes of change. I am turning the tide for my people, turning the battles, turning the war, turning the fortunes and overturning injustice. I am overruling Leviathan.”

We, the body of Christ, are in awesome days of revelation. When I first began prophesying the aforementioned 54 days of shaking and change, God gave a window of time—from February 6th to March 31st. I wondered why this window didn’t begin on February 1st, but have learned not to question God’s timing. When this timeframe ended, I pondered what the Holy Spirit would speak next. He showed me that the day after this period of time ended, the month of Nisan began—something I hadn’t realized.

Israel has two calendar years, one civil and one sacred. Nisan is the first month on the ancient Hebraic calendar God gave to Moses when they left Egypt, as told in Exodus 12. The first day of Nisan is New Year’s Day on God’s calendar. New times and new seasons begin.

There is no way it is a coincidence that the new year began the day after the days of change ended. This is why they began on February 6th, not the 1st. God was bringing us into the order of His calendar so that we could pray and decree into that. We were brought into His supernatural timeline, and an alignment has taken place spiritually.

Nisan comes from the root word “nes,” which means “miracle.” Nisan is miracle month. It was the month where a million slaves in Egypt left bondage. It was the month when Passover, the cross and the miracle of Christ’s Resurrection took place. It was the month where the Red Sea opened and Pharaoh’s army drowned. It was also the month when God’s presence manifested over them as a cloud and fire. Nisan is a month of notable miracles.

God is bringing us into His timing. He has events on the calendar that only He can do. Just as with Israel, there are notable times of great deliverance, the destruction of His enemies, manifestations of His tangible presence and days of supernatural provision on the calendar. We are accelerating into this biblical new year and season with our King!

Our decree: God will confirm His word with signs, wonders and miracles. {eoa}

Dr. Tim Sheets is an apostle, pastor and author based in southwestern Ohio. A graduate of Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, he returned to Ohio in 1979 to pastor The Oasis, a CityGate Church, in Middletown, Ohio. The site is one of the largest in the Cincinnati-Dayton area and is host to many ministries/conferences. His vision is to raise up people who will authentically demonstrate the church on the earth and passionately evangelize the world. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America. He has written Armed and Battle Ready, Being Led by the Spirit, Heaven Made Real, Angel Armies: Releasing the Warriors of Heaven, and Planting the Heavens. Visit and

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