Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘It’s About to Rain on You’

Are you feeling discouraged as you finish out 2020? If so, the Spirit of the Lord gave me a word to strengthen and encourage you today.

First, know that we’re headed into a new season, but the Lord doesn’t want you to go out of this season weak.

He wants you to go out strong and powerful. And in order to do that, you need to know that the Lord wants to strengthen you right now.

The Lord wants to strengthen you right now through your praise. To receive what He wants to do, you’ve got to get yourself focused on Him. The Lord is calling you right now to get your praise back. Go ahead and shout to the Lord; lift up a praise that costs you something. It’s only in that place of praise that you can receive the strength you’re going to need for this next season.

Let me ask you this:

What would your prayers and praise look like if you already knew you had won? What would your praise look like if the bank called you and said, “We don’t know where this money came from”? How would you praise if you knew your Father is giving you the entire kingdom in 2021, just as a father gives gifts to his little child? What would your prayers, your praise and your worship look like if you finished out this season and entered the new year with expectation—instead of finishing it out with deflation?

The Lord wants you to know that it’s a new season right now.

You’ve seen a lot of horrors in this last season, but this thing has shifted in the spiritual realm. You’ve been praying, and God has answered. However, some of you have been praying and thinking God wasn’t going to answer at all!

Nevertheless, as the Lord was giving me this prophetic word, I saw healings happening. I saw shoulders and backs being healed right as you’re reading this. Watch for these healings, for they will be a proof to you that things have shifted; things that were disjointed are coming back together!

The Lord told me to tell you today that it’s about to rain on you.

I hear thunder in the Spirit. The Holy Ghost is exposing things that need to be exposed, both for individuals and for our nation. The Bible says that there’s nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, and nothing secret that shall not be made known; and you’re in a season where the thunder of God is exposing things for you right now.

I saw that the Spirit of God is exposing generational curses, fear, doubt and unbelief. He’s exposing the lying spirit that has been talking in your ear; you’ve gotten discouraged because you have been listening to lies. But you’re not going to listen to lies anymore; the Lord is exposing what’s been going on.

The biggest exposure, however, is not in the natural.

The biggest exposure will be in the supernatural, but it will manifest in the natural. God is about to reveal His glory, His power and His fire, both to you as an individual and to our nation—but He’s not limiting Himself to doing so on the inside of a church service.

I believe the Spirit of the Lord is saying that He’s about to reveal some things that the world will notice first.

The world will see it before the church sees it because we have, in too many instances, become lazy. But the world is hungry for truth and transparency, and the Holy Spirit of God is revealing things anywhere the people are hungry.

It’s all about how hungry you are—and about whether or not you will persevere and contend with God in prayer.

In 1 Kings 18:24 Elijah was determined to see God reveal Himself to Israel. He made a bet with the Baal prophets, saying, “And you call on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the Lord; and the God that answers by fire, let Him be God” (1 Kings 18:24a).

Notice that Elijah told the prophets of Baal to go first. Why? Because God always gets the last laugh.

Sometimes God is both the opener and the closer; but other times He sits back, sits in His heavens and laughs while the enemy does his best to take over nations. But you know what? Even if God allows the enemy to have a turn first, God always takes the last set. He always closes the show.

That is what you are seeing both in America and in your personal life right now.

The enemy has been trying his level best to annihilate you, but he hasn’t been successful. The opening act, if you will, has been a flop. And now, God is clearing His throat. He’s preparing to step up to the microphone. He let the enemy have a turn first, but now He’s about to get the enemy out of the way.

Never forget that God laughs at the enemy. It’s as if He says, “Get out of the way; I gave you your chance and you can’t even produce smoke, let alone a movement.” And so God steps up to the microphone. He’s preparing to answer all those who have been calling on the name of the Lord—including you.

Sometimes God likes to show up after you’ve nearly given up on Him.

God likes to move in impossible territory. Sometimes He waits until things look dead before He shows up with resurrection life. However, when God steps up to the microphone—when He flicks the enemy out of the way with the tiniest movement of His all-powerful finger—He steps up, smirks, rolls up His sleeve and says, “Let Me show you something.”

And right now, God has flicked the Baal prophets out of the way. The fire is about to hit your altar.

In 1 Kings 18, the Bible says the fire came down from heaven as soon as Elijah called on the name of the Lord. The fire and power of God burned up Elijah’s sacrifice, the wood, the stones, the water and even the dust where the altar had been. When that happened, all of the people fell on their faces and worshipped the Lord.

Always remember that God’s history repeats itself.

Where God was faithful to show up for one, He’ll be faithful to show up for another. The prophets of Baal in ancient Israel had deceived the nation, but God showed up, moved in power, and brought the nation back to Himself. Similarly, in modern times, the prophets of Baal and Molech have deceived a nation—but God’s turn is here. His set time has come, and it’s about to rain.

Don’t give up now.

I hear the sound of abundance of rain, and you should too.

Look beyond your situation right now and gaze into the eyes of the God who answers by fire. Look beyond where you’re standing and see where He’s standing.

What do you see?

If you’re seeing with Spirit eyes, you’re going to see a cloud the size of a man’s hand—because the Word of God promises that He’ll show up when you least expect it. If you’re hearing with Spirit ears, you’re going to hear the sound of rain clouds speeding your way.

I hear the sound of an abundance of rain over you right now, and I want to encourage you today.

Many of you have already seen the rain in the Spirit, but you haven’t seen it in the natural yet. You’ve dreamed about it, but you haven’t seen the fulfillment. You’ve heard it, but you haven’t encountered it.

But you know what? Elijah had to pray seven times before his servant saw that little cloud rising up in the distance.

The first six times, that servant boy came back and told Elijah that he didn’t see anything. But the seventh time makes all the difference! The seventh time Elijah prayed and sent his servant to look out in the distance, that boy came back and said, “I see a cloud the size of a man’s hand” (see 1 Kings 18:44).

Six is the number of man.

If you trust in man, or in human strength, you’re probably going to pray six times and then stop. But seven is the number of perfection and completion, and we are in the seventh hour right now. We are in the hour when you’ve done all you can do, but now it’s God’s turn.

You have to understand that, from the first prayer to the sixth prayer, you will fight every demon and devil of hell:

— You will be confronted by the lies of the enemy.

— You will be told you’re unsaved.

— You will be told you will never be healed.

— You will be told America will never be a place of revival.

— We will be told that the church is going to be shut down and shut up.

— We will be told and there’s no power left for America.

— We will be told that our children are going to die and they’re going to go to hell.

— We will be told everything that hell can bring against us.

But you know what? After the enemy has his turn spouting lies, there’s the prophetic place of the seventh prayer.

The seventh prayer happens at the seventh hour. It’s the place that rattles heaven, and it’s the place where you are right now.

I see a cloud the size of a man’s hand over you. And God gets the last word.

There’s a rain shower of the Holy Ghost coming to your life. You have a fire anointing on your life. You’ve been praying with fire from your belly, but you’ve gotten discouraged. But today, I want you to know that it’s time for the seventh prayer in the seventh hour. And if you’ll just continue, the Lord is going to give you a gift:

— He’s going to give you double for your trouble.

— You have an angelic anointing; angels are being released over your life.

— Because of the submission position you’ve been in, where you respect God’s authority and believe Him, what God is about to do with you and for you next will be mind-boggling.

The heavens are about to bring you a downpour.

The Lord says to you right now, “The rain of My presence is entering the land in which you live. The rain of My presence is entering the land. Prepare yourself for My great outpouring, because it’s raining even now.”

Friend, pray the seventh prayer. It’s the seventh hour, and there is a sound of abundance of rain. It’s about to rain on America, and it’s about to rain at your house. Gird up your loins and get ready to run, because the cloud the size of a man’s hand is rising up on the horizon. {eoa}

Pastor Jamie Tuttle serves as lead pastor of Dwelling Place Church International. In addition to leading Dwelling Place Church International, Pastor Jamie also serves as CEO of HSM, which includes his wife’s ministry, Judy Jacobs International; his Song Music Group, Dwelling Room Studios and the International Institute of Mentoring. Pastors Jamie and Judy have two daughters, Kaylee and Erica. Read his power words and subscribe to his free email mini-course, Commissioned to Advance, at

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