Prophetic Word: The Lord Says ‘I Have Seen Your Surrender’

It’s due time; get ready for recompense.

The Lord has seen the wrestling in your heart, the release of what had been deeply held, and your yielding to His leading. He has seen your willingness to place on the altar what you have desired in your heart; you have surrendered under the light of the probing of His Spirit. You have refused to justify your soulish desires with worldly reasoning.

He has seen your tears, your soul’s anguish as you released dreams, relationships, property and goods to follow Him fully. You have been misunderstood, even mocked, by many — even those closest to you — for you are walking the narrow way that few choose, your eyes set on glorifying Jesus and seeing the advancement of the kingdom of God. You have seen the heavenly city afar off; you have experienced a measure of glory; you have tasted and seen and will not settle for less. I declare to you that now is the time of great release of recompense!

Recently I went through another surrender, and it was an experience of deep anguish in my soul even while my spirit rejoiced knowing He is worthy of it all. The Spirit of the Living God spoke the scripture Mark 10:30 to me, and He confirmed it with a dream the following night and three witnesses over the next few days. He reminded me of times past when I have surrendered to Him and walked the lonely road for His sake! It is due time for the recompense!

But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life (Mark 10:30, KJV).

As a prophet, I have found that I often first experience what will be coming to many in the days to come, so be prepared and ready for deeper surrendering!

This is not a name-it-and-claim-it word. This is a word to the surrendered ones, those who have given up much for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord — those who have been willing to lose their old lives and have found true life in Him!

It is due time for release of recompense! Be expectant! God is bringing the recompense, for He has seen your heart and can trust you because He has seen that your desire is to do His will and build His kingdom! There has been a measure restored, for God will not be mocked, and as you have sown you have reaped, but watch and see the hundredfold return for surrendering — forsaking all for His sake.

Expect the increase of all that is necessary to advance the kingdom of God — resources, grace, deeper communion, anointing; and the most important and necessary for advancing the kingdom: more of Christ manifesting through every area of your life. The Spirit of the Lord says, “I have seen your surrender; recompense shall be rendered.” {eoa}

Alane Haynes is an author, speaker and apostolic/prophetic teacher. Alane has authored four books: MosesShocked in the Desert: Learning God’s Ways So We Can Enter the Promised Land, birthed from a prophetic dream and written from subsequent nights of being awakened by the Holy Spirit to “write what I tell you,” along with the accompanying Moses Shocked in the Desert Study Guide; Called Unto His Presence, a compilation of Holy Spirit-inspired poetry; and Too Many Voices: My Journey from Confusion to Clarity. Alane’s prophetic blogs have been featured on the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel and other platforms.

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