Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Don’t Quit, Remember Your History with Me’

Do you feel like quitting today? If so, the Lord gave me a word for you: “Don’t quit; remember Me instead. You’re on miracle territory; just remember!”

A number of years ago, a friend made me a prayer staff to memorialize what God has done in my life. I love this prayer staff because it has the names of my people on it: my grandparents’ names, my mother’s name, my aunts’ and sisters’ names, my uncles’ and pastors’ names, and more. It carries the names of many people who have made an impact on me; and, as such, it symbolizes my history with God. I love to use this staff because, when you remember your history with God, not only do you give Him the honor He deserves—but you also walk right onto miracle territory.

When you recall how good, how great and how faithful God has been in your life, you position yourself for a miracle.

My parents were sharecroppers. I was the baby of 12 children. I remember when my mother would take her first-fruits vegetables from every summer’s harvest and go sell them. Then, she would take her vegetable money and donate it to the ministries of Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, T.L. Lowery, R.W. Schambach, and other powerful men and women of God.

It hits me like a ton of bricks when I remember this, because the Lord has told me that’s why I am where I am today.

One time, I was standing in Mabee Center at Oral Roberts University. I was getting ready to go on stage and sing when, suddenly, the Lord spoke to me. He said, “You know the reason why you’re here? You’re here because of some cabbage. You’re here because of some okra. You’re here because of some tomatoes.” He was talking about my mother’s offerings—and He wanted me to remember how He had worked throughout my past in order to bring me onto that stage that day.

No matter where you are right now, you have a history with God too.

Your family has a history. And when you go to pray, it’s time to remind God of who He is and of what He has done in the past. When you remember your history with God, He’ll do today what He did yesterday. He’ll do today what He did last month, last year and 20 years ago. He’ll give you a miracle one more time when you thank Him for the miracles He already performed.

When you remind God of what He has done in the past, He’ll remind you who He is right now.

He’ll show you what He can do right now, too. Go ahead and say out loud as you read this: “I have a history with God.” Say it again: “I have a history!”

God wants to give you a miracle right now. Nothing is impossible with Him. Whatever He has already done for you, He wants to do again. And whatever He hasn’t done yet, He will do if you’ll just remember how big He is. If you want to walk on miracle territory, remember your history.

When you remember God, celebrate what He has done in your life:

—Go back to the burning bush where God called you.

—Go back to the Sea of Galilee, where you walked on the water.

—Go back to where you were when no one knew your name.

—Go back and remember when the disease was taking over your body, but God healed you.

—Go back to that time when the divorce was imminent—but God restored your marriage and even gave you another child.

—Go back and remember when it looked like your children were lost, but then God brought them back, saved them and filled them with the Holy Ghost.

—Remember when you didn’t have a job, but God blessed you!

—Remember when you were addicted to drugs and alcohol, but the Lord set you free!

Go back and remember your history with God. Don’t let your story be the one described in Romans 1:21 (NKJV), where it says: “… although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” No, you glorify God. You remember your history and give thanks for it. You persevere until you walk right into the miracle you need today.

How do you get a miracle? You remember your history with God.

With God, all things are possible. If you feel like quitting today, don’t do it. Remember God instead. Remember what He has done, and believe Him to do it again. Step onto miracle territory with Him—and stay there. {eoa}

Judy Jacobs is internationally known for her declarative worship and powerful message of the gospel. She has ministered personally in over 50 countries, and has also ministered through several TV networks such as TBN, Inspiration Network and Daystar. She has also been honored to minister and be involved with T.D. Jakes and The Potter’s House, and many crusades. Pastor Judy serves as the co-pastor of Dwelling Place Church International. She is also the director of the International Institute of Mentoring and has published five books and eight solo albums. She is married to Pastor Jamie Tuttle, and together they have two daughters.

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