Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Is Pouring Out a New Anointing for Parents

Beloved, have you struggled with being a parent? Have you strangely found yourself in the middle of a heart change lately, being drawn more toward your home, family and children than ever before?

If so, then today’s encouraging word is for you!

I saw in the Spirit that the Lord is pouring out a new anointing for parents and parenting.

Many people have loved their children, but struggled to focus on them because of the cares of the world and stresses of life. You have done your best, but felt overwhelmed much of the time.

But in the Spirit, I saw the Lord pouring out a fresh anointing of the spirit of Elijah.

This is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in which He moves specifically to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers (and mothers), and the hearts of the fathers (and mothers) to the children. As it says in Malachi chapter 4:

“See, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreaded day of the Lord. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse” (Mal. 4:5-6).

Those who are receiving this anointing are suddenly finding themselves content and fulfilled at home when they never felt that way before.

They suddenly find themselves yearning for their children even during the day when they are used to working and the children are accustomed to being in school or with helpers and caregivers. Many have lost their drive to do things they used to feel were important outside the home, and they are wondering if something is wrong with them!

If that describes you, Father says this to you today:

“My child, I gave you the desire of your heart when I gave you your children. You did not have the capacity at first to love them as I love you, however, so I am giving you that capacity right now.

“My child, I am not mad at you. You have been so faithful. But I want you to know that your children are a heritage from Me; the fruit of the womb is your reward. And I want you to fully enjoy your reward, both for My sake, for your sake, and for your children’s sake.

“So I am anointing you to be at home.

“I am anointing you to rest and create peaceful places for yourself and your family. I am anointing you to love your children well; to invest in them; to be best friends with your spouse; and to love your spouse as I desire you to love them.

“I am rebooting your love-walk, and the first place your love-walk belongs is in the home.

“Your home is a place that is supposed to be peaceful, restful, safe and lovely. It is supposed to be a place of harmony and unity with Me and with the others I have placed in your life. I care greatly about your home, and it has been neglected for far too long.

“My beloved, again, I am not mad at you. We are simply going to fix this together.

“I am anointing you to be at home because it is the best place for you to be. This doesn’t mean you won’t go to other places also; you need to go to other places throughout the course of your daily life.

“But home is and is supposed to be the best place for you; the most wonderful place of all the places you go. It is the place I have prepared for you, and it should shine brighter in your heart than all the loveliest places you may venture throughout your day.

“Oh, My beloved, I love you so much. I want the best for you. So I am anointing you for the best things, and although the old anointing will not pass away, it will diminish in the place of your priorities down to where I originally intended for it to be.

“My child, I love you so much. I have prepared a nest for you.

“Remember what My Son said when He left the earth? He said, ‘I go to prepare a place for you.’ He meant both in My heaven and on the earth, My friend and child and beloved one.

“Remember that as it is in heaven, so it should and must be on the earth. So is it not right that I should manifest a place for you on earth just like I have in heaven? That was My first act, after all—to create a cradle for your very existence, made right out of the lovely earth. I planted a garden because I wanted you to have the loveliest home.

“Beloved, I care about your home!

“I care about everything that concerns you, and I am turning your heart toward home. I am turning your yearning to the things that last; the things that are forever:

— Your relationship with Me.

— Your children.

—The legacy of your marriage.

“O My child, you were bought with the price of My Son’s precious blood. Did you really think I would abandon you? I am not leaving you, and you have not lost your anointing. Instead, I have given you a new and greater anointing for the things that really matter the most.

“Beloved one, turn your heart to Me. Turn your heart to the things upon which I am focused, instead of looking at temporal things.

“Be willing to accept this anointing of Elijah, which will turn your world upside down. And why do I say it will turn your world upside down? Because your world was not right-side-up to begin with.

“You were looking at the ‘Martha’ things, but now I want you to look at the ‘Mary’ things of just sitting at My feet, enjoying the children and family I have given you, and investing in them fully before you do the temporal things that concern you in life.

“I am with you always, My child. Never forget it.

“Love, Abba.”

Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God and all the victory He provides. She blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing and kingdom wealth. She is a frequent contributor to Charisma magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, Intercessors for America and various other ministry outlets. Her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, can be found on iTunes and Spotify. Download her FREE ebook, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them In Prayer and Worship, here.

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