Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Asks, ‘Will You Give Me Your Dream?’

Recently, I was in my study in worship when the Lord asked me a simple question: “Will you give Me that dream?” I had been dreading this question for months, knowing it was coming.

Since September of last year, I’ve felt like I’ve been in a season of surrendering everything again and watching as unexpected doors closed and the plan changed dramatically. This dream God was referring to was the last seed I had left, yet here I was holding on to it for dear life when the question came: “Will you give it to Me?”

I didn’t want to, if I’m being honest, but I wouldn’t withhold anything from the Lord. So I said, “Yes.” As I gave it to Him wholeheartedly, a massive grief welled up and out of me — like I was mourning a death. It was deep and gut-wrenchingly painful, but I placed it on the altar — the last seed I had left. I spent the next hour on my face as I allowed God to minister to my heart and sever the tie and expectations I had with that dream.

It’s never easy letting go of everything you have been contending over and building for years. I believe this is where many of us have been — a season of being emptied and giving God everything that we have been carrying and building. But why?

The Ledger of the Seeds

As I was on my face that night, I went into a vision where I was holding a ledger and inside was written John 12:24 (NIV): “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”

In my vision I started flicking through the pages to see the different kinds of seeds that had fallen to the ground in the last few years, but especially the last eight months. This is what I read and what I discerned they represented:

  • The seeds of planting, establishing and family: The seeds and dreams of being settled and established after a long season of transition. Surrendering these to the Lord has meant having to surrender to an unknown period of time of being in a holding pattern.
  • The seeds of purpose, movements and ministries: Our ministries and movements that we have been building for a long time. God has been asking us to hand them over to Him in this season.
  • The seeds of promises unfulfilled: The seeds that haven’t come to fruition that we thought would have happened by now. God has asked us to place them, and all our questions, in His hands.

When I saw these first few headings, I knew right away that these were the seeds that were painful to let go of or hand over to the Lord, yet they were crucial to hand over because of what was going to take place next: the resurrection, multiplication and increase God was bringing to every single seed we handed Him.

Multiplication and increase aren’t the only reasons why God leads us into these seasons; it’s a more strategic chess move than you know. It’s to cut cords from areas that we have been in bondage to or will be in bondage to down the track that would debilitate us.

Cleaning House, and Closure

Then I saw more headings written. I knew right away that these were the categories of seeds that God was sending to the ground, never to come up again.

  • The seeds of man: The seeds of our own ambition, desires and will; the things we were trying to build and plant in our own strength, and the empires that have been built without Him or have strayed from His design.
  • The seeds of the enemy’s plans: These are the seeds the enemy subtly plants in our lives that grow and strangle God’s plans and purposes. These are the seeds of diversion and distraction that are planted to attack us, like an inside job, when God is wanting to promote us.
  • The seeds of wrong relationships and alignments: The ties we have to people, networks and movements that are wrong for us; the ties we have to people who are secretly pitted against us without us seeing or realizing it.
  • The seeds of false identity: These are the seeds of building your life around a religious system or infrastructure of something that is not Spirit-led and keeping you in bondage. It’s a persona that requires lots of work and upkeep, and God is confronting that to draw you out and free you!
  • The seeds of generational cycles and dysfunctions: The connection points that keep you tethered to dysfunctional cycles, habits, mindsets and addictions. God doesn’t want you going around that mountain again.
  • The seeds of hurt and trauma: These are the seeds that keep coming back, like a dog for a stick. Seasons of pain and abuse have caused you to feel like a victim, and God is burying those lies once and for all.
  • The seeds of demonic torment: The seeds sown that have created entry points for the demonic to come and bully you daily. These seeds are falling to the ground in this season.
  • The seeds of control and manipulation: This narcissistic tie has robbed you long enough by silencing you and keeping you bound like a puppet on a string.
  • The seeds of complacency and lukewarm Christianity: The seeds of apathy that have taken the fire away from the church and turned your passion into a religious task.

That’s right, God is delivering us right now for our own benefit, even if we don’t see it. We only see what’s been lost, but many of us have been straddling the fence for far too long and it’s been wearing us out. This is God’s way of rescuing you, even if it doesn’t look like it right now. {eoa}

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