Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Church Must Build a Firewall Around Our Nation Now

On June 27, 2020, I awoke very early to an alert in my spirit. I arose to pray and inquire of the Lord. He made it clear that the church must rise to pray in this hour, as there are internal vulnerabilities within the USA that are producing dangerous, external vulnerabilities.

He told me to build a firewall prayer shield with layers of intercession to protect and align the USA in this critical hour and to call forth the nation’s full destiny.

I heard that leaders in Canada had launched an initiative, so I called one of their leaders to inquire and seek wisdom and confirmation. In less than one week from that morning, the Firewall USA was launched with now thousands of participants.

4 Redemptive Positions to Which God Responds

This is not a time of ease but a time to arise and take our place on the wall. There are agendas of both man and evil spirits that are attempting to bring havoc and demonic control.

God is redemptive and promises to respond to the four positions outlined in 2 Chronicles 7:14:

1. Humility.

2. Prayer.

3. Seeking His face.

4. Repentance.

He will then hear from heaven, forgive and heal the land.

A Turnaround Is Truly Needed

Prophetic words, visions and dreams have been shared recently about destruction and harm coming to the nation. Many ask, “Are these words, visions and dreams from God?” Each word, of course must be judged and tested alone, but one thing is for sure: We have a kind and merciful, yet sober and urgent invitation from God Himself to turn things around by taking our place on the wall in prayer, repentance and declaration.

In many ways, we do not need a prophetic word to see the reality of the dangers that are lurking in the nation—sickness, death, economic distress, unemployment, hatred, lawlessness, corruption and anarchy (to name a few that are before us daily).

A turnaround is truly needed, and a turnaround is fully possible.

The Choice Before Us

I believe the days ahead could be the most glorious days of the Lord, and we could experience a full-on revival, awakening and reformation if we posture ourselves well before the Lord.

There is a choice before us: continued havoc or God’s glorious intervention. God is waiting for us to take our place. He has given us the keys of the kingdom, and whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven (see Matt.16:19).

Let’s Take Action!

Let’s rise to the occasion, humble ourselves and pray. Let’s act without hesitation and storm heaven. There are many powerful and anointed prayer initiatives that have been birthed in this season by credible and seasoned ministries—join them! Take action. Unwavering faith that works through perfect love truly brings God’s results!

We are called to be ambassadors of faith, not fear; hope, not hopelessness; love, not hate. Let’s arise together, united in purpose, and create the turnaround.

You can join the 24/7 prayer movement now and help build the firewall!

Join the Firewall in the USA today right here: For a list of suggested prayer points for intercessors, click here. {eoa}

Patricia King is a respected apostolic minister of the gospel, successful business owner and an inventive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, media producer and ministry network overseer who has given her life fully to Jesus Christ and to His kingdom’s advancement in the earth. She is the founder of XP Ministries and co-founder of

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