Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Call to Bring Forth the Seed of Elohim

Men and women in union of mind and heart, in agreement with God, carry the seed of Elohim. The fullness of the plan of God usually comes first to us in seed form, infused with the DNA of God, where the seed must be received, cherished, protected, watered with the Word and cared for until it comes into fruition and the fullness of maturity. The seed of Elohim is scattered over the earth awaiting those who will receive and care for it. These are those who will take hold of these seeds, and in union with God, bring it to birth to the glory to God.

The seed of Elohim is a spiritual principle founded on union with God through obedience to His Word; thus, it always produces the intentions of the Lord, and as a consequence, receiving the commanded blessing of the Father. With the full integration of the psyche of a person through maturity in Christ, the fullness of God integrates with man to birth glory. There is a mystery in union that sees the miraculous, produces accelerated answers to prayer and gives birth to the glorious plans of God. With Mary’s agreement with God, when she said, “May it be unto me according to your word” (Luke 1:38b) … union occurred, the seed of the word of Elohim united with the seed of Mary’s faith, was implanted within her womb and produced the Word of God—Jesus Christ.

Agreement with the Word of God through faith draws us into the mind and heart of God. Agreement pulls us into the supernatural realm and world of God, where creativity, the faith of God and every possibility exist. This is the mystery of union—nothing shall be impossible. Faith becomes substance.

When likeminded saints gathered in one accord at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out! Union with God and each other is the threefold strand that produces the sons and daughters of Elohim in majesty, glory and excellence. God is sounding the cry, “Agree with Me!” With this revelation, we now have insight into the devil’s plan for division in families, in marriages and in the church—with division nothing is possible.

Women are uniquely fashioned by God to birth through travail and labor the seed of Elohim, producing sons and daughters of God. In the same manner, and through intercession and travail, they birth the seed of Elohim—His purposes in the nations and our communities.

Genesis 3:15 says, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel.”

In this passage God declares that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent. We know that this refers prophetically to Jesus—the seed of Elohim planted within Mary. Procreation is a gift given to women and one of the keys to understanding women’s roles in ministry. Women were created to birth the life of Christ and the will of God on earth.

Procreation means “to beget, to produce, to bring into being, to reproduce, to engender offspring, to create something new.”

God’s intention is to enlist His daughters to partner with Him to birth the seeds of His new thing in the earth. Women become the gates, doors and womb through which His will enters. God uses women to travail with Him, to birth His new thing and to initiate the beginning of new seasons of time in the epochs of God. Other examples are:

Hannah’s travail and willingness to give her child to God ushered in a new era for the people of God through her son Samuel.

Leah’s decision to give her fourth child to God with praise, brought forth Judah, whose name means praise. Judah was the chosen tribe through whom the Messiah would come.

Anna was chosen as the intercessor who would travail in prayer in the temple for eight years to birth the manifestation of the Messiah on earth.

Women are now being called out for this time of birthing God’s new thing.

“Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?” (Isa. 43:18-19a).

Whenever God says, “Behold, I will do a new thing,” it is most certainly a great, mighty and wonderful thing, a surprising and unexpected thing, a thing that has not entered the heart or mind of man for that moment in time, a thing that is brought forth to initiate the changing of times and seasons as it has been known.

Continue reading the rest of this prophetic word here. {eoa}

Faith Marie Baczko is the president of Headstone Ministries International—a ministry that is rich and robust in the purposes and plans of God. She is a prophetic teacher and author, bringing significant revelation to mobilize, equip and strengthen the body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. Faith is an international speaker and has garnered enduring relationships with leaders united in passion for truth and enduring revival. Faith is an author of several books. Her latest release, now available on Amazon, is called A Rising Called For!

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