Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Prophetic Word: Stop Looking to Return to ‘Normal’

Note: This is part two of a prophetic word given to Caleb Wampler. Read part one here.

It is crucial now, more than never, that you are spending time with the Lord in the secret place and getting to know Him and His heart. This article is part two of the prophetic word the Lord gave me to build up the body of Christ to prepare the church for what He is doing. I sensed a great pleasure in my heart over those who have willingly entered into the blessing. He has kept the pests from doorsteps, prevented the thief from robbing your accounts and is turning all things in your favor because He loves you and because He knows you will be the funnel of blessing for which He can advance His kingdom into the earth.

I also felt the Lord’s heart moved for all who have been faithful. In this midst of this testing, many have not lifted their voice to another. In plenty or lack, you have not turned against your God. He has not forgotten you; He remembers you, and you are not far from the kingdom of heaven. His abundance manifests in a variety of ways. Count your blessings. You are His! He is tasting of the fruit of your life through Jesus that is revealing Himself in you! You are lovely to Him. He has written your name in the annals of heaven.

There have also been some who have become very hidden in this season. Let this next part be for you. You have developed your secret place in the shadow of the Most High. You have nothing else on your eyes but Jesus. You are truly living a life that has been found worthy of the gospel. He is preparing you as a signet ring against the powers of this world and over the powers of darkness. The time of your revealing will be soon enough although you’re not looking for it. Jesus will be exalted in the nations because of you. Jesus will be exalted in government because of you. Jesus will be exalted in media because of you. Jesus will be exalted in family because of you. As the pressure increases, you will be blasted forth like a rocketship, and the Lord will demonstrate Jesus through you. You are a sweet-smelling fragrance to the Lord. Your worship has become your entire life. Your life is gold refined by fire.

Now, this is what the Lord spoke to me concerning what is to come:

Stop looking for the world to “get back to the way it was.”

Everything is shaking. Do you think this is something? This was yet a small Braxton Hicks contraction in the life of the pregnancy. The genuine labor pains are coming. Everything is about to shake like it never has before in the history of the earth. The earth is groaning in response to Creator God!

Anything that God has not built is about to come crashing down. Watch for the exposure of corrupt ministers, judges, teachers, businessmen, politicians and governors. It will seem that every time you look, there is another story of corruption, greed, immorality and crisis. Do not be surprised by the uncovering of backroom handshake deals that will be exposed in both major parties.

Watch for some unknown media outlets to expose the corruption of more established networks. A major network will go bankrupt.

A couple of very prominent ministries will shut down, and so will some established churches. Anything He did not build will be torn down, and He will build itnot you, not me. He will build it. God will not share His glory with another.

I sensed an urgency in a few things. Please take note:

Get out of debt immediately! Do whatever you can to remove debt from your life. As the shaking increases, you will not want to be in debt to another. He who has will be given more. He who does not, even what he has will be taken away. I saw immense wealth falling out of the sky to some people. Overnight they had hundreds of thousands of dollars, while others became millionaires and billionaires. I was even aware that the world at this time would have a trillionaire(s). I saw others, penniless and on the streets. I saw business professionals weeping in the streets with nothing to their names, and debtors chasing them down to imprison them. Rioters and strikes were the daily news cycle. I saw bodies lying in the streets for what looked like days, untouched. Unnatural sexual relations were seen on the streets. I saw some trying to get to work for the day in fear. Thieves and murderers were hiding in the shadows, and vandalism and destruction of property were prevalent. The airlines advised for no travel to certain USA cities and even stopped service to them altogether. This was also true globally, although my paradigm in the vision was from the perspective of the USA. I also knew there were not 50 states. The days of Noah had truly become the norm in cities.

I saw false accusations on the rise against the elect of the Lord. While innocent, due to the state of the earth at this time, many will be deceived not knowing who to trust. It will be more important than ever that we are a people filled with the fullness of the Spirit, baptized by holy fire and staying on the altar in every area of our lives. The accuser stands ready.

I saw a company of believers walking in the might and power of the Spirit, while simultaneously the mass corruption of the world rose rapidly. It will be necessary that we do not share intimacy with the powers of darkness. We must walk in the authority and blood-bought fullness of our salvation. We must become one with Christ in all of our ways! We must know His ways and love Him, obeying everything He has commanded. We will walk from a place of victory, and no weapon formed against us will prosper.

I also saw an increase in people learning the ways of the Holy Spirit. Whatever you need to do, get into a place that is preaching Jesus and the fullness of the Holy Spirit. I saw people in other countries who were there without having used passports and the typical ways of travel. I saw an increase of believers seeing the angelic hosts of heaven in the earth. It will seem that everywhere you go, someone has “another angel story.”

As the persecution of believers increases, many will not continue in the faith. However, an army of the Lord will rise up from the ashes of persecution and usher in the greatest revival the world has ever known. This revival will be hosted globally simultaneously, neighbor to neighbor. Watch for an increase of true apostles and true prophets to be established in these days. The Christian community will initially oppose this but will realize it is truly from God after a time. We will not enter the fullness of unity until this happens.

This word comes from the most genuine place of love and humility in my heart. I have spoken what the Lord has shown me and have not added a word to it. If I were a scholar, a theologian or a financial expert, perhaps I could expound more fully in certain areas. Alas, I plead with you, get right with God. No matter where you find yourself in this story, there is still time for God to show His infinite mercy to you. Repent; turn to Jesus! Ask Him to save you, heal you and deliver you, and ask Him to be the Lord of your life (Rom. 3:23, 6:23,10:9-10; John 5:8, 3:16). {eoa}

Evangelist Caleb Wampler is founder and CEO of Kingdom Encounters International. He has seen hundreds of thousands of people come to Jesus in countries that are hostile to the gospel, witnessed incredible miracles and regularly experiences God’s wonder.

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