Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophetic Word: Restoration Promised to the First Nations of America

God has made a covenant of restoration with Native Americans.

For the Lord says to the First Nations of America, “I am He that sits above the circle of the Earth, enthroned in holiness. I am the First and the Last, and I am coming full circle to revisit Native America. My eyes of fire are penetrating the layers of rock to uncover the foundation upon which I have made covenant with the First Peoples of this land.”

For the Lord says, “Long before the Pilgrims and Puritans inhabited this land, I revealed Myself to the Native Tribes, as they are the bedrock and root of America. From this root, I will shake the heart of America with the power of My love, My forgiveness and the demonstration of the power of My Spirit. Indeed, I shall infuse the First Peoples with a heavenly joy and laughter that will destroy the mountain of death that has overshadowed them and restricted the fulfillment of their destiny. The years of tears shall be but a memory as the mountain of death crumbles underneath their feet by My delivering hand.”

For the Lord says, “Do you not feel the stirring within? For I will stir up the spirit of grace and supplication within you, and cause My burden to be upon you. For through the labor and travail of the Spirit among the First Peoples, an awakening shall be birthed throughout America.”

For the Lord says, “Bring forth the war drum, for I shall touch it with My glory. Bring forth the flute, for upon it the song of the Dove and the Lamb shall play as Native feet dance before Me. For I shall find rest and appear to those with a humble and contrite spirit, who have prepared and surrendered their hearts to Me for My Glory alone!” {eoa}

Kay Winters and her husband, Rob, are co-founders of Prepare the Way International. Entrusted with a mandate, message and mantle of repentance, Rob and Kay are preparing a way for the Lord to bring restoration, revival and a revolution of righteousness to the church that will ultimately bring reformation to America and the nations.

For the original article, visit

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