Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Prophetic Word: ‘My Roof-Tearing Angels Have Been Released’

Spiritual Weather Forecast: A Writer’s Storm Is Coming!

I just read the late breaking news on the winter storm approaching the East Coast, where I live. As I read the headlines, instead of the word “winter,” I saw the word “writer.” I then knew this was the Lord speaking to me. I heard Him say, “A writers’ storm is coming! I’m sending a storm of writers who will write with the pen of transparency of heart and revelation. Their words will seem at first like innocent snowflakes falling. Then without warning, these words will gather momentum, causing spiritual blizzard conditions with avalanches of My Spirit falling on the hearts of nations.”

My Roof-Tearing Angels Have Been Released

“Palaces and prisons will witness miracles appearing like snow falling inside of them as their roof tops weaken under the heavy snowfall of My glory, coming from this writer’s storm. No house is exempt. These writings under My unction will have built in radar to find their readers. Men, women and children, weary and worn, will rise again to take the kingdoms of this world. My roof-tearing angels have been released and they have your address.”

“This writer’s storm will not end with Spring approaching. It will snowball throughout this summer and the rest of the year and continue storming the gates of hell.”

After receiving this word, I discovered Jennifer LeClaire’s awesome writing event video that reveals her revelation of a scribe anointing being released beginning in March. The Lord is strongly confirming His call for scribes to come forth. Check it out at {eoa}

Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 36 years where he is now an elder and a home missionary. He is currently an adviser-at-large for Aglow International. Bill faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope for 23 years and now travels full-time, both in the U.S. and internationally, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. “Humility and humor” characterize his ministry as he brings forth a fresh word that is “in season,” proclaiming the word of the Lord. The shofar (or ram’s horn) is often used in his meetings, breaking the powers of darkness over regions, churches and households. The shofar represents God’s breath blowing into the nostrils of His people, reviving them and awakening the lost. Many of God’s messages, which Bill ministers prophetically, come out of his everyday life with his family and friends. Please visit Bill’s website at

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