Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Prophetic Word: My Hand is Moving Across Your Nation in a Miraculous Way

Man in prayer

Eileen Fisher offered the following corporate prophetic wordduring her weekly Prophetic School of the Holy Spirit meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado:

“I have asked some of you to pick up your cross and follow Me. Yet you have not understood. You have thought I have been cross with you. That is not why I have asked you to pick up your cross and follow Me. I have asked you to pick up your cross and follow Me so I can help you carry your cross; so your strength will fall and My strength will enter in. I am going to strengthen you by My Spirit. You have come and you have presented your brokenness to Me. I will not turn My back on a broken vessel, nor will I turn My back on a broken heart. I have come to heal the broken-hearted and to set the captives free.

“I say, begin to act like one who has been set free. Begin to act it out in faith, receiving your freedom. Knowing I am not a task master, but I am One who comes and stands beside you. When your cross seems heavy, allow Me to carry it and carry you also. What dies upon your cross is the flesh, and at the same time it resurrects your spirit. Your spirit becomes free and your spirit becomes alive and your spirit comes to know it can do all things through Me who strengthens your spirit. Know I will strengthen your spirit. I have not brought confusion, I have not brought condemnation. I have not brought harsh correction. I have not come to you and said, ‘Pull yourself up!’

“That is not My Spirit, nor My heart, nor My intent. I have sent you My Strengthener. I have sent you My Friend. I have sent you My Counselor. I will send you My Truth, for I will not have an army bent over in terror. I will have an army bent over in awe; in awe of the King of kings who has entered in. When He enters in, He is pulling His own into Himself and taking them and presenting them to the Father so the Father can seal them with His love of approval. I have not brought you a spirit of fear. I have not brought you the spirit of disappointment.

“My Hand is Moving Across Your Nation in a Miraculous Way”

“I have not brought you to allow you to be confused and lost. I have brought you into Myself to protect you, to heal you, to have you come to understand I have died so that you may have life abundantly. Choose the abundant life in My Spirit. Look not to man. Look not to man for your answer. Look not to man for strength, from the army of man, but look to the hand of the Lord your God. It is not too weak to where it cannot come against the weakness of the hand of man. I want you to understand My hand can become gentle when it needs to become gentle.

“My hand can be so strong when it needs to lead My own out. I am able to be all things for all My people. I take a child and I gently, very gently, lift that child up to My Father and will speak forth blessings and a future. I take those of all ages and I place them under Myself and hold and sing over My saints so I can bless them. I cause the young men who are weak and weary to rise up and to run fresh and in My strength. I take My women and place dignity, honor, and respect upon them to where their names will be called blessed, because I call them blessed women.

“Understand I am the God of gentleness. I am the God of power and might. I can be all things necessary to rescue and save My own. Look not to man but look to Me, the Lord your God, for My hand is moving across your nation in a miraculous way,” says the Lord your God.

“You will hear a miraculous report of the Lord. You will dance in the streets and you will sing and you will declare, ‘All is well!’ I will say until you, sing it in faith, sing it when you are alone, declare it, decree it, and so it shall be: All shall be well because the well of salvation is going to be poured out fresh over your nation. I am causing places that have been dry to open up to My reign. I will come down and you will hear, ‘Let us go to the sanctuary of the Lord our God and be dipped in the well of our own salvation,” says the Lord your God.

Eileen Fisher speaks and ministers before many groups and has a desire to fulfill the commission that Jesus gave us all. Eileen is available for retreats, workshops, meetings, banquets or other special events. Eileen is also the author of two new books titled “Embraced by The Holy Spirit” and “Embracing the Prophetic.” She travels, is a frequent TV guest, and teaches Schools of Prophecy and Healing. Her husband Fred oversees the ministry and is the ministry administrator. Fred and Eileen are active overseers and members of the board of directors for Freedom Christian Fellowship Church. They have one married daughter, Theresa, their son Michael went home to be with our Lord in 1993, and they have four grandchildren.

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