Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: It’s a Season of Wide-Open Doors — Don’t Hold Back

(PBR official Facebook page)

My husband and I just recently returned from Ft. Worth, Texas where we attended the PBR (Professional Bull Riders) World Finals. The backstory is that I just finished a Master in Theological Studies, and somewhere in the long, challenging process of completing this degree, my husband had told me he’d take me on a trip anywhere in the world I wanted to go when I finished.

The morning before we left, I had a prophetic experience before waking up. The Lord was singing a song over me to the tune of a country song titled, “So Many Skies” (by Caroline Jones and Matthew Ramsey) in which a couple sings about how lucky they are to have seen “so many skies,” and about how many more skies they’ll see together (see Zeph. 3:17).

The phrase ringing in the air as I woke up was: “I’ve got more ground to cover and I’ve got more things to see.”

Since I didn’t have to get up yet, I decided to stay in bed and pray. I began praying concerning a word the Lord has given me over and over again — that someday our ministry will build an orphanage in India. As I interceded for this country, its children and this future orphanage, I distinctly heard the Lord say, “It will be a miracle orphanage. There will be miracles in it all the time.”

Before getting up, I also heard the Lord reference a situation in which my husband and I were considering writing a letter to a woman concerning a piece of real estate we are interested in purchasing. I heard, “Let’s send that letter to the lady who owns (that property).”

Later in my quiet time I sensed doors ready to fling wide open — it’s like I can see them. It’s like nothing can stop it and we have no idea of the things we’re about to see. Isaiah 22:22 (NKJV), which is a verse many prophetic voices highlighted for 2022 immediately came to mind: “The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder; so he shall open, and no one shall shut; and he shall shut, and no one shall open” (See also Rev. 3:7-8.).

Friends, I firmly believe the things I heard are for many other believers besides me. You have more ground to cover and more things to see. Doors of opportunity are about to fling wide open for you. You have no idea of the things you’re about to see!

Divine Opportunities

You might not be a PBR fan, but God has positioned you strategically somewhere not everyone else can relate to or will be, and through our experiences at these finals, I gained more insight into what the Lord had been speaking to me.

One of the things that kept happening was that we would be in just the right place at just the right time, or meet or be seated next to someone central or influential (Continue reading the full article here). {eoa}

Diane Lake is a writer, speaker and minister ordained with both Christian International and Generals International. Her articles are regularly featured on The Elijah List, as well as platforms like Charisma Magazine, Charisma News, Intercessors For America and others. She and her husband, Allen, co-founded Starfire Ministries with a vision to see the kingdom established beyond the four walls of the traditional church. They host a podcast with Charisma Podcast Network, and serve as Church Mountain, Regional, and Montana Coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network, and as Media Mountain Leader/Facilitators for C.I.’s Culture Influencers.

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