Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Prophetic Word: God Will Take Away the Pain of Your Past

“When He was in a certain city, a man full of leprosy, upon seeing Jesus, fell on his face and begged Him, ‘Lord, if You will, You can make me clean.’ He reached out His hand and touched him, saying, I will. Be clean. And immediately the leprosy left him” (Luke 5:12-13).

The Lord is willing to touch you and cleanse you right now. His arms are stretched out to you. God is willing! Are you willing to take the next steps toward Him?

The leper had a deeply infectious, contagious skin disease that shouted out to everyone he met in Jewish society, “Unclean!” This leper became a social outcast. Yet He saw Jesus and went toward Him and worshipped Him. Out of desperation, he made his way to Jesus and then fell down at His feet.

He didn’t just ask for healing; he asked for cleansing. He needed to be washed from the inside out. He needed Jesus to go beyond leprosy of the skin and go to the leprosy of the heart.

This man had been an outcast, so you know he had to carry many emotional wounds as well as physical ones. And yes, Jesus went there. The man left cleansed and healed.

I don’t know exactly who this word of knowledge is for, but God wants you to know that He is willing to touch you right now. His hand is reaching out to you.

But you must also know and remember this: Faith without works is dead. Read James 2:14-16. Here are five things you must do:

—Recognize when Jesus can be found.

—Make the effort to go toward Jesus.

—Be intentional about your worship.

—Be specific about what you need.

—Get in position to receive and be revived.

As I am sitting here, I can hear the Lord speaking to my spirit. This is what I hear:

“God is about to take away the pain of your past. You have grieved over the disappointment, loss and abuse long enough. The Lord is wiping away the painful memories of your past. He will cause you to forget the pain of abuse, rejection, affliction and abandonment.

“God will make you fruitful in the land of affliction. Instead of your [former] shame you will have a twofold recompense; instead of dishonor and reproach you shall rejoice in your portion. Therefore, in your land you shall possess double [what you had forfeited]; everlasting joy shall be yours.

“The Lord is going to turn your mourning into dancing and your sorrow into joy. Those who sowed in tears will reap in joy. There is about to be an unleashing of God’s healing power on this generation and among the hurting and broken (Gen. 37, 41; Ps. 126; Isa. 61).

So His answer is yes, He is willing! Are you willing to go toward Him and lay everything down at His feet? {eoa}

Janet Swanson is an ordained minister, teacher, missionary, entrepreneur, author, singer, artist, composer, speaker, student, encourager, hope dealer, overcomer, advocate for the abused, dream-builder and a life-giver. Listen to her podcast, One Voice with Janet Swanson, on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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