Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word for 2021: ‘This Is the Season of Rapid Recompense’

The cross has crushed every curse.

I had a very intense dream recently. In this dream, I was standing in an old-fashioned, brick building with multiple floors. I instantly became aware that the air in the building was so dense that you could slice through it with a knife. I looked to see what was taking place, and all around me, I saw the faces of many people that I have known for many years; many of them were believers. They looked panicked and terrified because some robbers had invaded this building. Suddenly, as we opened our mouths and began to speak, the robbers disappeared from the building, and all that was stolen was immediately restored to us.

When I awakened, I heard the Spirit of God say, “This is payback season.” Many in this season have felt robbed by the enemy in their businesses, ministries, families and cities due to the unprecedented circumstances that have taken place across the globe. I heard the Lord say that He is releasing and activating the force of the blessing that shall now bring a drastic end to the attack of the devourer.

“Yet when he [the thief] is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house” (Prov. 6:31, NKJV). God’s people are now being released into their season of rest, restoration, reaping, repayment, recovery and rapid recompense.

An Economic Turnaround Is Imminent

While worshipping in church recently, I suddenly saw an immense, massive cloud. As I looked closer, I saw what looked like the shape of a man’s hand coming from the cloud. The Father said to me, “Announce to My people that there is the roar of the abundance of rain!” In the days of Elijah, there was massive drought in the land, and a cloud the size of a man’s hand appeared as a sign that indicated the end of a season of drought and the genesis of a season of abundance. Likewise, the hand of the Lord is now releasing the harvest that was held up, and He’s breaking the force of delay and drought.

The cross has crushed every curse. The tactic of the enemy to bring economic damage to ministries, businesses, cities, families and nations shall be cut short. In the same way that Isaac reaped a hundredfold in the same year he planted during a time of famine because God was with Him (see Gen. 26:12), the power of the blessing is now releasing God’s people into their mega-harvest season. Many have sown in tears in past seasons, but they shall now reap with shouts of joy.

“‘Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.’ God’s Decree. ‘Things are going to happen so fast, one thing fast on the heels of the other. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings!” (Amos 9:13a, MSG).

The next few weeks are very strategic for the release of God’s blessings and His hand of restoration. This is an Amos 9:13 season. Where some have been in a seemingly endless season of delay, many are now stepping into a season of acceleration and answers to prayers. I heard a loud, distinct, clicking sound like the sound of a door being unlocked while praying, and immediately I heard our Father say, “The storehouses of heaven have been unlocked!” Access has been granted.

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chron. 16:9, NKJV). The doors have now been unlocked!

“I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron” (Isa. 45:2b). His presence shall propel many out of the pain and problems of the past season and into the place of peace, provision and promises fulfilled—a prosperous place in Jesus’ name!

Help Is On the Way!

This year has felt like a woman in labor, and the pressure many have felt is the tension of travail. Just like a woman whose baby is crowning, we are being birthed into a season of unprecedented favor. I’ve had multiple visions recently of a woman giving birth to a baby. I hear the Father saying that He’s releasing strength to many people who’ve felt weary in the “waiting for the turnaround moment”. Help is on the way!

The next few weeks will be marked by heavy heavenly activity as help is released from heaven in response to your prayers. A second wind is being released. Resurrection power is being activated to release life to every promise that had died prematurely in Jesus’ name. Many shall be promoted in this season, as God is crowning this year with His goodness, and your pathways shall overflow with abundance (see Ps. 65:11) in the name of Jesus. Don’t give up! This is the moment of breakthrough!

Presents in His Presence

I see these golden packages, and I hear the Father saying that this season, there are “presents in His presence,” and “He shall abundantly supply every need in His glory” (see Phil. 4:19) in Jesus’ name. I declare that as we move into this new season, the breaker, the one who breaks open the way, shall go before us. We shall break through the gate and go out. Our King will lead us; the Lord Himself will guide us (see Mic. 2:13), in Jesus’ name.

He shall break off the weariness of the past season and move us into seasons of refreshing in Jesus’ name. Financial resources shall be multiplied to us in this season in the same way that five loaves fed 5,000 (see Matt. 14), in Jesus’ name. I prophesy that this is the season of rest, restoration, reaping, repayment, recovery and rapid recompense in Jesus’ name! {eoa}

Agnes Ebedi is a woman of God with a strong prophetic anointing. Her vision is to see people all across the globe encounter the person, presence and power of God. Believing that nothing is impossible with God, she has a strong passion to infuse believers with supernatural faith that enables them to experience all God has ordained for them. She is a mentor and teacher in the Grow Network, Nate and Christy Johnston’s prophetic school. She also speaks and ministers at churches and conferences across the United States, including her home church, Ramp Church, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, pastored by Andrew and Brooke Towe. Find Agnes at or email her [email protected].

This article originally appeared at

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