Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: Break Barriers and Molds

While in prayer, the Spirit spoke to me, releasing a prophetic word for the body of Christ.

You are breaking barriers and breaking the mold. There have been so many obstacles standing in the way and coming at you, preventing you from moving but God says, “I am opening doors and giving you entrance into kingdom connections that will make a difference in the lives you touch. Alignment is crucial, so seek My wisdom to discern with whom you should align. Just because a person might not look the part doesn’t mean you are not to align with them. Seek My wisdom and discernment.”

“These barriers are meant to be broken, for I’m no ordinary God. And you are no ordinary ambassador to Christ; you have every spiritual weapon and authority at your disposal,” the Lord says. “Break those barriers.”
“Some of you are breaking the mold by doing things nobody in your family, the church or the community has done before. You are breaking new ground for My kingdom’s sake, taking back territory the enemy once occupied. The enemy knows this, so do not focus on him or the many distractions he throws at you such as fear, sickness, injury, anxiety, worry, depression or monetary loss. It may seem overwhelming at the time, but stay focused on Me through these times. Remember, no weapon formed against you will prosper; I will make the enemy payback double for the trouble he has caused. Stay faithful to Me.”

Kingdom connections are forming, and the remnant is rising and taking its rightful place. If God is for you, who dares to come against you? There’s no time for an inkling of doubt, so don’t be afraid. Instead, take courage. The Lord has gone before you and has prepared the way.

“Testing will come as you begin to step out, but remember it’s not always the enemy. Sometimes I am in the trials you face because I desire to sift you as wheat,” the Lord says. “I’m after your character and faith to be strong, tried and true.”
The Spirit says, “I’ve given you the pioneer spirit to plow hard ground and see the desert become a spring of living waters, with plentiful blossoming growth. Decree, decree and still decree what you want to see. Didn’t the Lord call forth those things that be not as though they were? Call it forth by faith.”

There is a harvest to come in the dry and hard places, and the harvest will be unlike any. Hearts will be tenderized to the voice of God and to mankind. People who have been rough and tough, looking hard because of a rough life, will come to where the kingdom is connected. They will know softness and become some of the humblest people to exist, looking for real love, real God-encounters. They will enter the door God has opened for them, and they will be ministered to with life, love and liberty.

A Word for the Hurting

The Spirit says to you who are weary, broken and hurt, “I want to heal every broken area and all hurt and pain you’ve suffered. There is no demon to cast out, no deliverance required, just My love that needs to enter in. Surrender your will, your thoughts, your emotions and plans to Me. Let Me love the flesh out of you.” {eoa}
Sheila Harr is the president and founder of the King’s Portion Compassion Care Center in Douglas, Wyoming, whose mission to to distribute food and hope with compassion and the love of Jesus to those in need by caring for the whole person—body, soul and spirit. Those wishing to support the this 10-year established ministry may do so through PayPal at [email protected].
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