Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: August Is the Month of Reset

The prophetic word for August 2021 is like a healing balm of Gilead for your soul.

These are the two words the word the Lord spoke to me for August 2021:

A Month of Health

The Lord says, “You have been listening to me about the health changes I have told you to make, and you are starting to change accordingly. The changes you are making are taking effect; your taste buds and habits are changing.

“Change is a long process, but you are doing the work I commanded you to do. Have I not told you to be strong and take courage? I am helping you become strong, and I am helping you to become healthy.

“In August, I want you to pursue ‘strengthening your arms’ and body, like the Proverbs 31 woman does. This applies to both men and women; it applies to both young and old.

“Physical strength is a virtue,” the Lord says. “It honors Me and allows Me to use you for greater purposes. Physical strength also allows you to fight the good fight of faith, laying hold of that for which I have laid hold of you.

“You can run with endurance when I strengthen your heart; but to strengthen your heart, I need you to cooperate with Me. Make yourself strong in the month of August!” the Lord says.

A Month of RESET

The letters of R.E.S.E.T. stand for the following:

— Receiving.
— Engaging.
— Stillness.
— Energy.
— Transition.

And the Lord says this about each of these key words:


“I have given you a holy premonition—an advanced word of knowledge—about what I want to do for you this month. I had to do this because the things I want to do for you are so big.

“You have been a faithful steward.

“You have asked me several times if you have messed things up, but I tell you today that I see your heart, and it is pure. You have been a faithful steward and, although you still may make mistakes occasionally, I am rewarding you for the purity of your heart,” the Lord says.

“Remember My Word in Psalm 18:24: ‘Therefore the Lord has repaid me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in His view.’ You will find in this month of August that I am rewarding and paying you back for all your trouble. According to the cleanness of your hands I will hand out your reward, and I say to you again that your heart is pure.

“Count on Me to give you double for your trouble!” the Lord says.


“In the month of August, you will find Me engaging you in the work I have prepared for you at a greater level.

“You just noticed yesterday that ‘you’re back’; that you feel rested and refreshed and ‘like yourself’—in fact, better than the concept of yourself that you had gotten used to. And that is in fact true; you are operating as yourself at a higher level than you previously have, and it’s all because of My rest.

“In August, you are going to continue resting; in fact, you will never leave this state of rest,” says the Lord.

“Now that you have learned to rest, you will never be able to function without rest again. Rest is a magnet; it is a higher way. Once you have found it, My rest keeps you because I keep you. Remember that I am your keeper, and that is a very real thing (Ps. 121). As you have asked Me to teach you to rest, so have I done, and you will be resting the rest of your life.

“However, at the same time, you will also be engaging in a whole new way in August,” the Lord says.

“You will be engaging with the things that really matter. You will be engaging with new relationships, for I have heard your cry for covenant friendships,” says the Lord. “Trust Me to set things aright and to lead you in the way you should go. Look to Me for guidance, wisdom and instruction—but be prepared to plug in and function as I always intended you to function. The time is now,” says the Lord.


“You have also set aside time for stillness, and I am going to honor that,” says the Lord.

“When you are still before Me, I can speak to you in a new way. During this time of stillness is when you will see the manifestation of My Word in Proverbs 1:23: ‘Turn at my reproof; surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you.”

“In this season of stillness, things may feel like they are not moving at all, but I am launching them to you at lightning speed. I am hearing your total rest; the sound of your peace is ascending to My nostrils like a fragrance, and I am receiving your peace and rest as an offering to Myself,” the Lord says.

“As you are still before Me in the month of August, I will make things happen on your behalf that you could never make happen at all. Be still, and know that I am God,” says the Lord; “I will be exalted in the heavens; I will be exalted in the earth! I will be exalted in your situation, and My name will be glorified as I break through for you!”


“You are getting your energy back through the healthy choices you are making,” says the Lord. “I am also refilling you with hope, and you will find that a lot of strength and energy will come to your body because you have hope and joy again.

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. In August, you will begin to see some of your desires fulfilled—desires you have longed for, but have not thought were possible. This is only the beginning, but you will see it and begin sensing that I am indeed at work in your situation.

“I have been at work all along,” says the Lord, “but you did not see it. In August, however, you will see it, and your joy will be replenished. It is only the beginning, but it is a beginning. Be encouraged!”


The Lord said, “I am moving you into a place of My glory. I am bringing you back onto the ancient paths and restoring the joy of your salvation. I am reminding you of who I am and of how important it is to seek Me, and I am making it possible for you to do all these things more faithfully.

“This month, I want you to seek Me with all your heart over your transition. Petition Me for open doors that cannot be closed and for closed doors that cannot be opened. Ask Me to show you My ways and to instruct you and teach you along the way you should go. Ask Me daily for wisdom; wisdom is key,” says the Lord.

“I am moving you into a place where you will not always be able to see what is next, but I will give you grace for today.

“Only I know how tomorrow will work out. You do not need to know that; you only need to know Me—and to know what to do in this moment, at this hour, right now,” says the Lord.

“Trust Me to illumine your darkness as you need to know. Some things are too weighty for you; I hide them in My clouds, and they cannot be discerned until My Spirit discloses them to you. You have not been praying big enough; I repeat: You have not been praying big enough,” says the Lord.

“In August, follow the leading of My Spirit to pray.

“Pray often and pray well; pray the words of My holy Scriptures back to Me. Dig deeply into the Scriptures and search for hidden things; I will make you to know them.

“These are the keys and strategies you will need to overcome in August: rest, peace, joy, My might, My guidance and My wisdom.

“I am with you always, to keep you. I will never let you go nor leave you without support. I am your shelter, and you are My child and My beloved servant—My excellent one, in whom is My delight.

“Seek Me with all your heart, and you will find Me,” says the Lord. “I am right here with you, and I say to you today: ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God’ (Matthew 5:8).”


If this word resonates in your heart and confirms what God’s precious Holy Spirit is already saying to you, then pray this with me as we respond to this prophetic word for August 2021:

“Dear Abba Father in heaven, in Jesus’ name I boldly approach You, and I say thank You! Thank You, Abba Father! I receive and take every bit of this word! Father God, please help me to remember this word and obey it; to seek You and rest in You; to follow all Your guidance and receive Your wisdom and instruction. Let it be unto me according to Your Word. Thank You, heavenly Father. In Jesus’ mighty and precious name I pray, amen.” {eoa}

Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author, speaker and presence-seeker whose heart is for the local church. Called to intercession and prophetic ministry, her passion is to see sons and daughters transformed by the love of Abba Father. Jamie blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about prayer, personal revival and the supernatural lifestyle, and she has written for various ministry outlets. She holds a master’s in biblical studies from Berea Seminary and is a grateful member of the Redbud Writers Guild. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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