Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: April Is the Month of Recovery

As I was spending time with the Lord on a recent morning, I got an image of a boat with a rowing crew. Unsure of what the Lord was saying, I began to press into this word.

There are phenomenal insights into what the Lord is doing in the Spirit this month that are direct parallels to rowing — or “crew,” as it’s fondly known in the states.

God Works Through Small Groups to Do Big Things

Rowing is a sport that uses anywhere from single-person vessels to those manned by groups of eight. God is doing mighty movement in small groups. Where there is a single surrendered heart or where two or more are gathered, the capacity exists to create big movements. We will see mighty moves coming from unexpected places. Instead of the mega groups, these will be led by the modern-day tiny “tribes of Judah.”

God Brings Coaches Alongside

Each team has a coxswain, or cox, who acts like a coach inside the vessel, often because rowers are seated with their backs toward where they are going, so they can’t see where they’re traveling. God is bringing confirmation through mentors and trusted prophetic sources to remind you of your direction and His words. This won’t be a message of a new direction but rather reiteration of things God has already given you glimpses of, clarification of next steps on the road to callings or a stirring up of gifts and passion again where you have begun to grow cold.

God Works Through Rhythms of Catch and Release

Each stroke of the oar in rowing is comprised of a catch and a release. Catching is the entry of the oar into the water, and releasing is the exiting of the oar from the water. Both are critical to creating momentum.

Similarly, this month is preparing you for phases in which the Lord needs you to catch. This will be a reentry or an active diving in. Interestingly, Webster defines catch as “to capture or seize especially after pursuit.” Long spiritual pursuits of callings that have felt fruitless are finally going to produce some fruit you can take hold of!

“To discover unexpectedly” is another definition of catch. Suddenlies will mark this next season, where in an instant things will turn around or come to fruition. Wordnik adds to the list of definitions “to stop (oneself) from doing an action.” Habits or routines from previous seasons that need to be pruned for lack of fruit are going to be caught and pruned as the Lord highlights them.

Many are coming out of release phases right now. These involve balanced and disciplined pulling back as the Lord directs.

It may be pulling back into rest, pulling back on battles that were not intended for you to fight, or pulling back from certain commitments or relationships. Release is defined by Webster as “to set free from restraint … or servitude” or “to relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses.”

Ask the Lord to help you take a spiritual inventory of what you need to let go of. Release is also defined as “to give permission for publication, performance, exhibition, or sale … to make available to the public.” God has been and is commissioning new releases in various sectors; things that began as dreams placed in hearts will finally be released to the public for the Lord’s glory and purposes.

God Is Doing Recovery Work This Month

Perhaps the rowing fact that most caught my attention was the recovery phase. In rowing, the point between release and repositioning for the catch (or reentry) is called the recovery. God whispered, “April is My month of recovery.” God is doing mighty works of release to position us to catch even more in the next months!

Be flexible and allow the Lord to position you. Recovering is defined in Webster as “being in the process of overcoming.” While the recent releases involved with repositioning may not feel very victorious, stay the course and stay obedient. You are in the process of overcoming and being positioned for reentry into the new!

Prayer: God, thank You for all You have been releasing in my life. Give me the wisdom to cooperate with Your positioning and let go. Tune my ears to hear what You are calling me to dive into in the upcoming months, and give me the flexibility that allows me to be clay in Your hands as You do Your recovery work in me this month. Amen. {eoa}

For the original article, visit

Sara Whitten is a speaker, equipper, author of Uncommon Vessels, and founder of Arrows of Zion Ministry. She and her husband are pastors for the youth of Impact Christian Fellowship in Kerrville, Texas. Sara is a prophetic writer who is featured in the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, Charisma and more. She hosts “Hear God Every Day” on Charisma Podcast Network, a podcast with tools to help amplify the voice of God amidst the noise of everyday life.

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