Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Prophetic Word: A Sudden Season of Supernatural Rebound Is Coming

I heard the Lord say, “There has been a strategic assault released on the earth. The adversary has cunningly released one thing after another, in an attempt to thwart My Word from being fulfilled. Nevertheless, I have spoken, and My decrees will not be stopped. Every promise will be fulfilled. The enemy has overplayed his hand once again. I am doing a new thing, and it will be greater than anything that you have ever seen before. The lying thief is exposed and now will have to repay seven times more than what he stole. This is the season you will rebound and take new ground!”

My daughter said to me the other day, “2020 has not been a good year.” She went on to list the reasons for her conclusion.

“First, there was COVID-19, and we were quarantined to our house. Then on Easter Sunday, a tornado hit our city and caused a massive amount of destruction. We had to move out of our house for several weeks because we were unable to get in and out of our neighborhood. Then there was a man murdered and not able to breathe.” (Let me say here that I did allow my daughter to watch the video of the horrific strangulation of George Floyd. I felt she needed to understand what was happening and why.)

She went on to say, “There have been riots, and everyone seems to be mad at each other. I don’t like this year so far.”

As she communicated her 9-year-old perceptions, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me and revealed the basis behind the warfare that we have faced the first half of this year. He said to me, “This is about what I have decreed over 2020 through my prophets. This is about a third Great Awakening. This is about a harvest of souls. The enemy is terrified of My church getting unified and being mobilized to take dominion over the earth. However, this year is not over. The unparalleled warfare of the first half of this year will not compare to the blessing of the last half. You will have an ‘after this’ testimony.”

Take, for example, Job, when he lost his children, his business, all of his wealth and even his health. “After this, Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation” (Job 42:16). No one could have blamed Job if he had become bitter and lost hope because of all the grievous trials. Instead he stood unflinching, looking to God for his rescue. And Job came into his “after this” miracle. Like Job, you too are coming into your “after this” moment.

“The end of a matter is better than the beginning of it” (Eccl. 7:8a). The Holy Spirit says, “There is coming a rebound like you have never known.” I looked up the definition of the word “rebound”; according to it means “to bound or spring back from force or impact” and “to recover.” Hear what the Spirit of God says! There is coming a full recovery!

Consider the disciples who experienced a rebound:

” On the evening of that first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst, and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’ … So Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As My Father has sent Me, even so I send you.’ When He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit'” (John 20:19, 21-22).

The disciples were hiding behind closed doors because of fear of the Jews. Suddenly they were delivered from their fear when Jesus appeared to them and “breathed” on them. His breath mirrored the image of God breathing life into man (Gen. 2:7). In essence, He was breathing life into His disciples to rise up and to turn the world upside down. They were activated and sent forth.

“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting” (Acts 2:1-2). They were all in one accord. The word “accord” is a musical reference, meaning “in harmony.” In the Greek, it means “unanimously and in one mind.” When the church came together in harmony then, there came the great outpouring of His Spirit. When they were unified, it triggered their rebound! God supernaturally empowered them to take new ground. They birthed a movement. Now it is this generation’s turn to birth a new move of God that will touch the world!

God says, “The repetitive assaults this year have been aimed to muzzle my prophets, cause My church to hide in fear, and to further divide My bride. No more! I am breathing the breath of life into my sons and daughters. Today, I commission you to be the light in the midst of darkness. You are ambassadors of the kingdom of heaven. I expose the enemy. I desire to pour My Spirit out on this generation. Fight against strife and division. War against hate and injustice. Resist the spirit of fear and be filled with My power. It is a sudden season of supernatural rebound. I declare there is an acceleration for you to not only rebound but to also take ground. I am sounding the alarm for My people to awaken from deception and complacency. Keep your ears tuned to My voice and your eyes focused on Me. Don’t look to the left or the right, but as I told Joshua, ‘Be strong and courageous.’ You will cross over and take new ground! Even as I turned Job’s captivity, he recovered with twice as much; you too will recover with double!” {eoa}

Andrew Towe is an emerging prophetic voice to this generation. Andrew preaches the Word of God with fire, inviting God’s manifested presence to fall, with signs and wonders occurring in his services. Andrew and his wife, Brooke, are the lead pastors of Ramp Church Chattanooga, and they reside in Chattanooga, Tennessee, along with their two children. Andrew travels extensively preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Wherever he ministers, lives are changed, faith is strengthened and expectation is ignited.

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