Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Prophetic Warning: Watch for the Opportunists and Saboteurs!

A devilish duo is rising against fervent believers actively seeking to forward God’s plan in this season. I call them the opportunists and saboteurs.

Opportunists want to ride your coattails into success. They work to exploit your anointing for their own benefit. They don’t care about you or your calling. Rather, they see you as a means to an end. They work like a disease that infects your strategy and weighs down your momentum.

Saboteurs, meanwhile, work to tear down what you are co-laboring with Christ to build, whether that’s a family, a business, a ministry or anything else the Lord has called you to put your hand to. The saboteurs aim to destroy your efforts with delays, false accusations and other ploys to wear you out.

When the opportunists can’t find an opportunity, they become saboteurs. In other words, when you reject their advances to walk with you they turn against you and do everything in their power to kill your dream, vision, plan, purpose and destiny.

Check out the video to learn more about this strategy and receive prayer.

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