Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophetic Warning: Border War Could Plunge America Into Anarchy

Burning city

The recent breaches in White House security are not only shocking; they are prophetic. It was revealed that the man who jumped the White House fence did not just make it to the unlocked front door, but actually got inside the White House, and deep inside of it. He was tackled by an off-duty agent who “just happened to be passing by.”

This breach into what is considered the most important house in America is a reflection of the breakdown of security for the whole nation. Those whose most basic responsibility is the defense of our country have not done their job. They have left us vulnerable, and our enemies are now pouring through our porous borders.

In the prosecution of a crime, you look for a motive, means and opportunity. Those with the motive to kill Americans and destroy America now have the means and opportunity because of the failure of our government to secure our borders. It does not take a genius or a prophet to know our enemies are not going to let such an opportunity pass by, when our government is leaving the front door open to them, just as the front door of the White House was left open.

We are more vulnerable to terrorist attacks now than we have ever been. We will soon pay a terrible price if this is not addressed with the greatest resolve. The most basic responsibility of the federal government is defense, and the most basic defense of a nation begins with securing its borders. Our government leaders are presently guilty of the most basic dereliction of duty or treason. It must be one or the other.

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