Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Vision: ‘The Prayers of the Righteous Will Avail Much This Season’

When I was in prayer concerning a prophetic word for this season for God’s people, the Lord showed me a vision of His people meditating and praying. The interesting thing about this vision is that those who were praying had “boomerangs” in their hands.

After they finished, they all threw their boomerangs toward the heavens or sky. I never personally owned a boomerang, but I do understand what it does. A boomerang is a thrown tool, typically constructed as a flat airfoil, that is designed to spin about an axis perpendicular to the direction of its flight. A returning boomerang is designed to return to the thrower.

God began to give me a prophetic revelation and interpretation that the prayers of the righteous will prevail and avail much in this season. The prophetic act and demonstration of these people in unison throwing their boomerangs in the air was that they were expecting something to come back to them.

The Lord said that their prayers were like boomerangs, but what returns will be their breakthrough answers. God spoke to me to encourage many of you who are reading this article that your breakthrough has rerouted back to you. There are two types of boomerangs. There are returning boomerangs and non-returning ones.

According to Wikipedia, “an important distinction should be made between returning boomerangs and non-returning boomerangs. Returning boomerangs fly and are examples of the earliest heavier-than-air, human-made flight. A returning boomerang has two or more airfoil wings arranged so that the spinning creates unbalanced aerodynamic forces that curve its path so that it travels in an ellipse, returning to its point of origin when thrown correctly.”

In other words, a boomerang is created to return back to the sender when thrown properly. When we pray correct, God-purposed and willed prayers, He responds to them fairly quickly. When you pray, believe that you receive. In Mark 11:24, it says: “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you will receive them, and you will have them.”

Grace-based prayer begins with gratitude that the very thing we are praying for has already been made available through the finished works of Jesus. Faith-filled, believing prayers are answered by the Lord. Many people have been waiting on the promises of God to be fulfilled in their lives.

However, like non-returning boomerangs, they are not coming back to us. Why? Are we praying God’s perfect will to be done in our lives for our generation? Are we asking, seeking and knocking on doors of opportunities that desire for us to inquire of Him for? Do you feel like your breakthrough is hanging in the balance? God said that when you pray, anticipate your breakthrough.

What I am saying is, expect the unexpected. Keep in mind that every time we pray, we acknowledge that we are dependent solely on the Father and acknowledge that He is Almighty. This holds true whether our prayer is one of praise, petition or thanksgiving.

It’s difficult to be proud when you’re kneeling in prayer. Faith will activate your boomerang breakthrough that is coming to you—the sender! To pray in faith means that I believe God can and I believe God will insofar as it’s consistent with His glory, because God is good.

Sometimes we pray and we ask God for something, and immediately we start reasoning why God can’t answer the prayer. The Lord says this is your “boomerang breakthrough” season to receive everything that has been held up. This is your comeback season, regardless of what it looks like in the natural. I am reminded of a story in the Bible where something supernatural happened when a young prophet lost his axe head.

The disciples of the prophets said to Elisha, “The place where we’re staying is too small for us. Let’s go to the Jordan River. Each of us can get some logs and make a place for us to live there.” Elisha said, “Go ahead.” Then one of the disciples asked, “Won’t you please come with us?” Elisha answered, “I’ll go.” So he went with them. They came to the Jordan River and began to cut down trees. As one of them was cutting down a tree, the ax head fell into the water. He cried out, “Oh no, master! It was borrowed!” The man of God asked, “Where did it fall?” When he showed Elisha the place, Elisha cut off a piece of wood. He threw it into the water at that place and made the ax head float. Elisha said, “Pick it up.” The disciple reached for it and picked it up (2 Kings 6:1-6, GW).

We can see that the young prophet lost something that wasn’t his to begin with while using it to build a new place to live. The young prophets wanted to expand their borders and create a space for themselves. In the process one lost their ability to be relevant, cutting-edge and effective because their tool (axe) to cut trees started to malfunction. The heavy, iron axe head flew off the handle and landed in the Jordan River.

Have you felt like you’ve been working, building, establishing and praying only to receive little or no results? Well, the young prophet called upon the senior prophet Elisha to recover what was lost and not his. Elisha asked him where the axe head fell, and he was shown the place and later Elisha took a piece of wooded stick and threw it into the water. It’s interesting that Elisha took a stick like a boomerang and threw it at the place where the axe head fell and miraculously the axe head floated back. You can see that the lightweight stick served as a boomerang in the water, which caused what was lost to return.

God is saying that what you have prayed, petitioned, lost and fasted for in the last season is about to return in this season. The axe head returned back to the young prophet who lost it. The Lord is about to restore the years many of you have lost. Moreover, when the axe head floated, the young disciple of Elisha was instructed to pick it up. He reached out and took hold of it once again.

Get ready in this season to reach out to touch and receive your boomerang breakthrough blessing that is returning to you from God. The purpose of a boomerang is to come back to the sender. Your prayers are not in vain but are being returned to the prayer-sender! Breakthrough is your portion and your prayers are returning to you, not unanswered!

Not only is this your boomerang season of breakthrough release, but God says that what the enemy planned against you will not prosper. It will return to him. In other words, the enemy has myriad curses of sickness, disease, debt, poverty and other diabolical plots against God’s people. God says the enemy’s boomerangs will fall and will return to him seven times with the force and velocity of heaven’s speed, which will break his agenda into pieces.

However, your prayer boomerangs will release the blessings, favor, provision, resources and answers you’ve been waiting patiently on. Your breakthrough is in the wind of the spirit coming to liberate you from any and all plans set against you by the adversary. God said, “Stretch forth your hand to receive the catch of God’s boomerang blessings and breakthrough coming today.” {eoa}

Dr. Hakeem Collins is an empowerment specialist, respected prophetic voice, apostolic leader, governmental minister, life coach and sought-after conference speaker. He is known for his keen, accurate prophetic gifting and supernatural ministry. Author of bestselling books Heaven Declares and Command Your Healing, he’s been featured on many television shows: Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! The Word Network and Cornerstone TV just to name a few. He is host of Prophetic Breakthrough podcast on Charisma Podcast Network ( Follow him on: and

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