Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Vision: The Lord Says ‘There is a Battle Coming’ in These States

Charisma Media archives

During prayer, I saw a vision of large scales of justice hovering over three states on the west coast of America. The golden scales of justice loomed above the states of California, Oregon and Washington. Before I could ask the Lord what the meaning of the vision was, I heard Him say, “Pray!” As I began to pray in tongues, the scales started to slowly move and tip in the opposite direction.

The Lord spoke to me, “Tell My people to pray that the scales of law and justice are tipped in the favor of righteousness. There is a battle coming in these states.”

I knew, by the Holy Spirit, that God did not mean a physical battle, but that in the days to come these three states will be spiritual battlegrounds in regard to the tipping of the scales of legislation. God impressed upon me that in the days soon to come, we will see key legal cases, legal precedents and/or legislation arising that will receive national media attention, swaying national opinion on major social issues.

Landmark Legal Battles

In the history of our nation, there have been landmark legal battles that have helped shape the culture of each generation and the future of the nation. Often, the judicial rulings of these landmark cases (i.e., Brown v. Board of Education, Miranda v. Arizona, Roe v. Wade, Loving v. Virginia) not only affect just one generation, but several generations to come. Once the new laws are enacted, they become very difficult to overturn and are proverbially “set in stone,” often for decades.

The rulings from landmark cases, although often highly contested, contribute to creating the “new norm” or social norms within society. Thirty years ago, many behaviors, endeavors and activities which were considered socially unacceptable, immoral and were frowned upon by society at large, now have become socially acceptable to the masses. For example, years ago, nudity and profanity had no place on TV screens in American homes. Later, the Supreme Court would permit the FCC more latitude in regulating television broadcasts.

The imagery, immorality and obscenity displayed on TV is used by the enemy to weaken the consciences of individuals, contaminate the minds of youths and even confuse some Christians’ moral compasses. Although righteousness cannot be legislated by man and is a work of the Holy Spirit, having ungodly laws in place works in resistance to the work of the Holy Spirit.

The battle for godly decrees, legislation, judicial rulings and ordinances contributes to the battle for the minds and hearts of our youth in this future generation. The states of Washington, Oregon and California will be major judicial/legislative battlegrounds in the days to come. The results of these battles will have a ripple effect that will help to shape the destiny of our nation for the next generation.

In Proverbs 14:34, the Bible declares: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Below are some prayers to pray so that righteousness reigns within the halls of justice and assemblies of legislation within these key states.

Prayer Points for the Battleground States (Washington, Oregon and California)

  1. Pray that the Lord mobilizes intercessory networks and intercessory groups to contend in prayer for the hearts of policy makers, legislators and judicial authorities to be influenced by the Spirit of God.
  2. Pray for a restoration of Judeo-Christian values within these states.
  3. Pray that church leaders in the states of Washington, Oregon and California become more involved with the political process.
  4. Pray that the scales of justice and legislative morality move in the direction of the will of God.
  5. Pray for a reversal of ungodly laws within these states.
  6. Pray that authorities and officials in the judicial and legislative branches within these three states would have divine encounters with the Holy Spirit of God. {eoa}

Demontae Edmonds is the founder of Freedom 4 the Nations, host of This is Freedom podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, and host of Atlanta’s Highways TV program. He travels the nations preaching the gospel with notable signs, wonders and miracles. His heart is to share the reality of Jesus Christ with the world through demonstrations of the Holy Spirit’s power and presence. He has authored the books Grab Hold of Your Miracle, Discerning of Spirits: 7 Dimensions of Revelation, and The Supernatural Gift of Faith.

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