Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Vision: God’s Paul Reveres Are Coming

The other night, I had one of the craziest impressions the Holy Spirit has given me yet. As I was sitting and relaxing, directly after a prophetic broadcast, the Holy Spirit kept showing me a man riding a horse in the darkness.

This man wasn’t one of the four horsemen in Revelation (so I can dispense with that question right now), but he appeared to me as though he was a prophet, and everywhere he rode, he was declaring the word of the Lord as if from the rooftops!

This man was declaring at night the word of the Lord, just as Paul Revere was sounding the alarm to warn the militia that the British were coming.

Paul Revere was a patriot in America, but more than that, he was a silversmith (silver represents purification and redemption in the Bible). I believe that the Holy Spirit is declaring that he is raising up a group of prophetic Paul Reveres in this season who will be sounding the alarm, even in the darkest places, to warn the people of what’s coming and to expose those things which are being declared behind closed doors by the enemy himself.

These prophetic voices will not be voices of judgment but rather redemptive voices of clarity to not only expose the enemy’s plans and purposes, but also to bring a message of reconciliation and redemption to the nations.

While we may be seeing crazy things taking place in the world around us, God is going to continue to expose the things which the enemy has meant for evil against us, and through the clarity of the truth of God, we will be set free by the message of the Son, Jesus!

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32).

Trumpeters of Truth

With all of the darkness covering the earth, many of the prophetic voices being released right now are being sent into the darkest places of this hour. And as the message of God’s redemptive power is being released, along with the clarity of the Holy Spirit, many are coming to the light. The illusions of the enemy have caused people to be put to sleep, but those people are now being stirred by the Lord’s message and released from their captivity!

These prophetic people will be trumpeters of truth who have refused to buy into the lies, fears and deceptions of the enemy. By declaring the truth in love, they will bring a message of redemption, reconciliation and reawakening to the people the Lord sends them to!

The Paul Reveres are coming! Even now they are in the earth. Stop buying into fears, lies and deceptions being spoken everywhere by the enemy and awaken to clarity and truth from the Holy Spirit! It’s time to prepare for battle as the army of God, awakened by the message of clarity and redemption being released even now in the darkest of hours!

“Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory of the Lord], for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you [O Jerusalem], and His glory shall be seen on you” (Isa. 60:1-2, AMPC). {eoa}

Daniel Pontious is the founder of Every Believers Destiny.

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