Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophetic Vision: God Is Releasing New Weighty Assignments

I was lying on the floor during worship time at church and the Lord gave me a vision.

In the vision, I saw everyone in worship on their knees before Jesus. When I actually opened my eyes, I did not see anyone else on their knees. But I knew they were kneeling in their spirit.

The Lord showed me that those who have bowed before Him would receive a weighty assignment.

Then Jesus reached down and took a delicate gold crown from my head. In His hands, I saw a helmet-type crown, which was quite opposite to the gold, diamond-crusted crown I had been wearing.

His new crown was high-sided with four pointed corners, one on each side. The helmet-crown was industrial looking, made from a silver colored metal.

Jesus held the helmet-crown on my head. It was heavy, hard to balance and quite awkward! I could not steady it without His help.

Immediately, I thought of war. The Lord corrected me by showing this weighty assignment may have times of war, but the greater anointing is the one of kingdom strategy.

The times we are in require us to discern what is occurring, hear from God and implement the blueprints given to us. We are thwarting the enemy’s plans, and we are also moving with greater agility to defeat what the enemy released.

The Lord gave me a few key indicators to help you recognize your weighty new assignment.

  1. ActivatingWe have to activate what is given to us by taking action. Just like Elisha activated the mantle of Elijah by picking it up and trying it out. His first action was to strike the waters, as Elijah had shown him. When he did, the waters divided so Elisha could cross over from being an assistant to carrying a new weighty assignment (2 Kings 2).
  1. Alignment with others—God will bring new connections with people who can assist you. Due to their years of experience operating in these areas, and your connection with them, you will advance quickly.
  1. Influence and favor—Your new assignment will carry new opportunities of influence and favor. You will be invited in situations to release God’s strategy against the enemy’s plans.

Let us bow down before Jesus together and receive the weighty assignments that are awaiting us!

We can begin by declaring together:

—I declare I will bow down before you, Jesus.

—I declare I am ready to receive and activate my weighty assignment.

—I declare I will implement Your kingdom strategies.

—I declare I will align with others.

—I declare I will use influence and favor to thwart the plans of the enemy.

Are you being stirred to change? Then say, “yes” to my brand new course called ‘Compelled to Change‘!

The goal of the course is to help you:

  1. Find the Courage to Change.
  2. Design a Blueprint for Your Life.
  3. Launch Out & Build Success.

My heart is to see you reach your goals and beyond! {eoa}

Cindy Stewart has a passion for people and helping them connect to their life purpose, discover their passions and live their dreams. Cindy’s latest book, God’s Dream for Your Life, brings clarity to your purpose while unlocking vision of what is possible in the natural and the supernatural. She is an itinerant speaker, an executive coach and hosts a weekly podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. Along with her husband, Chuck, they lead The Gathering Apostolic Center in Tarpon Springs, Florida. You can email Cindy at [email protected] or visit her website at

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