Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Vision: Are You Willing to Pick Up the Jewels No One Knows About?

Jeffrey S. Moore and his wife, Kristine, committed to an overnight prayer watch for a month. That month changed their lives.

Much of their journey is chronicled in We Believed, but they shared their powerful story in a recent interview with Charisma.

During the prayer watch, Jeffrey took the first shift, where the Lord revealed supernatural dreams and visions for their family. In the second shift, Kristine would battle spiritually for those dreams.

Jeffrey shared one of the visions with Charisma:

I was floating in the ocean at night. It was very calm. And I was kind of being carried by a current like in the water. There was a full moon, so there’s some light in the scene. And I walked up onto the beach of this deserted tropical island, palm trees swaying in the breeze and everything, and I started to look around on the sand.

Lying in the sand, there were all of these jewels or gemstones. And these weren’t like engagement-ring size. These were like golf-ball sized. They were enormous. And they were all different colors. And they were glowing with … an internal fire.

It was very supernatural, not something you would see on the earth. There were all these glowing points of beautiful light around the beach. And I just felt compelled to pick several up, as many as I could. And I reached down to the sand, and as one of my hands touched the first jewel, the vision ended.

The Lord spoke something to my spirit.

He said, “My son, are you willing to be carried by my Spirit to a land far away, to pick up the jewels that no one else even knows about?”

In that moment, He kind of pulled back the curtain of heaven just a little bit. And He showed me just a glimpse of what He was doing in our lives.

And I knew that those jewels represented children, that we were to go to another place, another country, another land, another culture and bring them in to our family. And it was His heart, His Father’s heart for the fatherless that He was imparting to us. And that was just the beginning of the story back in 2007.

Listen to the podcast to hear what happened next.

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