Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Prophetic Dream: Learning to Fly


This past Sunday night I had a detailed dream in which I saw large numbers of end-time believers being trained to operate in the powers of the age to come. They were being trained to do the greater works that Jesus said we would do (John 14:12). For training purposes they were separated into three groups. Each person was assigned to a group based on their level of development.

Group One—Sitting

The first group included a very large number of people. They were all sitting down on the side of a grassy hill. They were waiting for something, but I did not know what they were waiting for. Whatever it was, it caused them to all remain idle. Beside them on the ground they had their talents and money. They were not doing anything to use their talents or their money for God’s kingdom. They just sat on the grass relaxing and looking around.

Group Two—Walking

The second group was also a very large number of people. They were all walking through the levels of a big tall house. Inside this house there were many different projects and assignments that they had to complete before they could proceed to the next level. The house was completely full of people working on their tasks and walking through. They were walking slowly, shuffling through in a big crowd, attempting to complete the various tasks. The tasks could only be completed by operating in the powers of the age to come. The faster they learned how to operate in those powers the faster they could complete each task and advance to the next level. Everyone was advancing at their own pace, but most were moving slowly because their minds were limiting them from moving in the realm of the Spirit. They trusted more in what they knew in their mind than what they heard in their heart.

Whenever they would see another walker operating in supernatural power to complete their assignment they would all ooh and ahh in amazement. In this way they encouraged each other and caused their faith levels to grow. Some of them were so encouraged by what they saw the others doing that they would take hold of the supernatural powers and begin to step out and operate in it themselves.

Group Three—Flying

The third group was very small, especially in the beginning. Everyone in this group was able to fly, which included me. I flew over the crowd of walkers as a large group of them was heading towards the house. I saw their faces as they looked up at me flying by. Their eyes and their whole face lit up as they gasped with amazement. They could hardly believe what they were seeing. But it caused their faith level to soar. Some of them then believed they could do it too.

I saw some of the flyers flying through all the levels of the same house where the walkers were completing their assignments. The flyers were able to complete all of their assigned tasks within seconds. They flew very fast and completed their assignments very fast too. It looked like they only had to fly by and it was done without even slowing down. Within a few seconds they flew through all the levels and flew out of the house. The tasks were very easy for them because they had learned to be led by the Spirit. The walkers saw them doing this and they were amazed and felt very encouraged. The walkers loved seeing the flyers. Just seeing them caused their faith to soar. They knew the impossible was possible because they saw it happening with their own eyes. Many of them were hungry for more and seeing the flyers caused them to get even hungrier. Eventually they would get so hungry they would step out and start moving up to a higher level.

Then I saw an old friend of mine who is now the pastor of a church. He was still walking and had not yet learned how to fly, so I encouraged him to step out and start flying. He was a little slow getting started, but he caught on and started flying very low to the ground.

The flying believers encouraged the others until eventually there were lots of people flying. All it required was to believe and step out and start flying. Later on, I saw the sky filled with people flying.

The flyers also flew over to those in the first group who were sitting idle on the hill. I flew over to one couple and convinced them to give me their money so it could be put to use for the kingdom. I did not force them to give it. I just encouraged them and they agreed. Other flyers were doing the same thing. The talents and wealth of the sitters were being plundered by the flyers, not for selfish gain, but for the kingdom’s purposes. I did not see anything being taken against their will though.

Training Exercises

I saw that each believer had their own unique assignment that they were equipped and trained to do. All of us were learning more and more about how to operate in the powers of the age to come. We were learning how to operate in our own unique gifts and supernatural powers. The biggest challenge we all faced was learning to trust more what we heard in our heart more than what we heard in our mind. We all had to learn to rely totally on the voice of the Lord leading us in our heart. We had to learn to tune out the voices of other people who spoke words contradicting what we heard in our heart.

I was given some information about my particular assignment that was so encouraging it has had me flying high ever since. I feel like I have soared to a new level just by hearing what I was told. I am not sharing those details here because it only applied to me.

In my training, I learned to hear His voice and obey, but then I encountered another challenge of doing it with the right timing. That totally threw me for a loop at first. I made lots of mistakes before I started learning to wait for the Lord’s timing. In some cases I got frustrated and even angry. When I successfully completed an assignment the training advanced to a higher level requiring greater discernment to distinguish very subtle differences between what the Lord was saying and what I was hearing from other “experts.” Upon first hearing it sounded like what the Lord was saying was identical to what the experts were saying, but on closer examination I saw there was a very slight but significant difference.

The hardest task I was given was when the word of the Lord seemed to contradict other words from the Lord. Obviously, He never contradicts Himself, but it seemed that way. It reminded me of how God promised Abraham that He was going to bless Isaac and through Isaac make Abraham’s descendants as numerous as the stars. Then he told Abraham to go offer Isaac as a human sacrifice. Those two words sound contradictory, but Abraham passed the test because he understood that God would never break His promise even it meant He would have to raise Isaac from the dead. Passing this test required obedience even when it made no sense. Like Abraham, I had to hang in there knowing that even though I did not understand, God did and that was good enough. I had to keep giving it to Him again and again until finally I got through it and moved on.

Heaven and Earth Together as One

Later I was with a small group of believers and we all went to heaven riding in a vehicle. I never saw the outside of it, but the inside resembled a small bus. Some of the people on the bus came from the earth while others were people who had died and were already residents of heaven. We were allowed to visit heaven and they were allowed to interact with us. The people in heaven were working together with the believers on earth. Everyone had their own unique assignments, but all of us were working together on the same mission.

I saw my dad riding on this vehicle with me. He died in 2009. I was so excited to share with him all of the great things the Lord was doing in my life that I forgot he had also seen plenty of great things as a resident of heaven. I did not actually arrive in heaven so I did not see anything there. I just saw that many believers were visiting there and interacting with the people there. It was a common part of the training for people to go back and forth between heaven and earth.

That was the end of the dream.

My Comments

I have heard some believers say we cannot talk to people who have died and gone to heaven. However, Jesus spoke with Moses and Elijah at His transfiguration. Peter, James and John were there too (Matt. 17:1-8). So according to the Bible, it is possible and sometimes needed.

Do I really believe we are going to be flying? The prophet Isaiah saw God’s people flying.

“Who are these who fly like a cloud and like the doves to their lattices” (Is. 60:8).

Last time I checked clouds were up in the sky and doves were birds with wings. So it sure sounds like Isaiah is talking about things that fly in the sky. Of course, this is a mind-blowing statement, but we need to have our minds blown. We need to get completely out of our minds to follow the leading of the Lord in our heart. Our mind is the greatest hindrance that we face.

Jesus said, “All things are possible to those who believe” (Mark 9:23). I looked up the meaning of the word “all” in the original Greek. The Greek word is “pas,” which means all. Sounds like the only limiting factor is our inability to believe. That’s what I believe.

“Jesus answered them, ‘Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also, if you say to this mountain, “Be removed, and be thrown into the sea,” it will be done. And whatever you ask in prayer, if you believe, you will receive'” (Matt. 21:21-22).

The key to success in every training exercise was always the same, trust your heart more than your mind. Trust what the Lord puts in your heart more than the voices speaking into your mind. Those who do that will advance to new levels. They will soar in the Spirit and fly.

James Bailey is an author, business owner, husband and father of two children. His vision is to broadcast the good news of Jesus Christ through blog sites and other media outlets. You can read more of his content at

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