Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophetic Dream: Witches Are Infiltrating Churches at Alarming Rate

Witches are infiltrating the church right now at a level Christians have never seen before, says Andy Sanders.

In an interview with Charisma News, Sanders—an author and prophetic voice—says this is because the devil has lost some ground in the church and U.S. government.

“I had several dreams and times when God came to me, saying, ‘You need to start preparing and warning the body of Christ that witches are on the loose,” he says. “‘They’re no longer sleeping and just camping out anymore.'”

He recalls an instance when a witch infiltrated a church he was pastoring. One of the members was put on staff against the previous pastor’s will. Over the years, that person grew more and more rebellious.

“One day when I was alone with this person talking to them, they actually manifested a demon,” Sanders says. “And this person had been on my church staff for a long time. This person manifested a demon right in my office.”

Rebellion, Sanders says, is one marker of witchcraft. Listen to the interview to learn other telltale signs that a witch is trying to cause strife in your church.

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