Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophetic Dream: This Wall Is Trying to Block God’s Next Fresh Move

Recently, the Lord has been stirring me about of fresh move of God that is coming and the things that will try to hinder it from coming forth. The Lord gave me a reoccurring dream that happened over the course of four nights. The first night, I saw the top half of a gray cinderblock wall. Gray clouds that were barely moving were hovering over the top of it. There was a bit of dust falling from the top part of the wall.

The second night, the dream was exactly the same, but this time at the top of the wall, there were small bits of debris, and small pebbles started to fall as slow wind blew.

The third night, the wind blew just a little bit harder, the top part of the wall started chipping off and small rocks were falling down from the top of the wall.

The fourth night, I saw the bottom of the wall. There were chains about every 10 feet all the way along the wall. At the end of each chain was a shackle that would go around somebody’s neck. Then these frail, withered people came out from the side of the wall. They were calling people to them using all forms of deception and manipulation to draw people in. When somebody would come to them, they would open one of the shackles and put it around the person’s neck. These people began to complain that they could not breathe with the shackle around their neck because it was cutting off their air supply. You could hardly even hear them speak because the shackles were trying to silence their voice. In this fourth night of the dream, I walked around the wall and in front of me was a church. It was an old-time, traditional church that looked like it had not been updated in a very long time. I could see that it was bound by spirits of religion and tradition. The people who were trying to beckon others to come were talking about the Lord and the moving of God’s Spirit in power, but in reality, they had nothing. Then all of a sudden, I turned around and saw a field. It was beautiful with lush grass, flowers and trees. This field was full of life. As I prayed, the Lord spoke to me, “There is coming a time that these old traditional churches will move out of the moving in the spirit and get into the soulish realm to try to manipulate people to stay even though My glory has left. They will grab them by their emotions and their old way of thinking. Then they will try to put shackles of religion and tradition around their necks so they cannot breathe or let their voice be heard.” People will start to move out of the spirit of the living God and start moving in the spirit of divination, which is the python spirit.

When I awakened, I asked the Lord, “Who are these people they are going after trying to silence their voice?”

The Lord answered, “They are going after three types of people. The intercessors, who are praying over the new wineskin and the fresh move of My Spirit. The prophets, who are prophesying about the new thing I am going to do. The apostles, who are pioneering and working to manifest the new moving of My Spirit. They will go after these three types of people because the intercessors, prophets and apostles are bringing down and destroying the old religious mindset of so many in this hour.

The Lord spoke to me about the dream as it was recurring. As the dreams progressed and the wall started to crumble more and more, the Lord showed me that the people who were chained to the wall as it started to fall were symbolic of the way these would be trapped in an old religious mindset, and their voice would not be able to be heard.

If this word applies to you, you may need to make a 180-degree turn and run towards the things of God. When churches, ministers and people turn away from the fresh moving of the Holy Spirit and start trying to make a manmade structure, they are in rebellion to the Holy Spirit. First Samuel 15:23a says, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” You will see the life being sucked out of you physically and spiritually if the spirit of religion can get those shackles around your neck. Religion will keep you bound to the things of the manmade doctrine and religion and away from the fresh moving of the Holy Spirit. It will not only trap you in an old mindset, but it will keep you from your purpose. I encourage you, my friends, distance yourself from religion and tradition and pursue the presence and power of God! {eoa}

Joe Joe Dawson is the president of Burn Texarkana Revival center and House of Prayer. Pastor Dawson also serves as staff evangelist for First Assembly of God in Texarkana, Texas, where he also is now the Tribe College/young adult pastor. Burn Texarkana has one revival/awakening service per month at First Assembly and also has Burn on the Road meetings in neighboring cites monthly. There are four Burn Texarkana prayer meetings each week. He also serves on the leadership team of New Breed Revivalists Network.

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