Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Prophetic Dream: The Harvest Is Ripe. Where Is Everyone?

On April 21, 2021, I had a dream highlighting Poland as a country to watch. In the initial interpretation of this dream, I saw Poland surrounded by conflict and by what I believed at the time was a “terrorist attack” being planned on foreign soil.

In this dream, I watched my husband conversing with a group of men strategizing to abort a threat between Polish nationals and outside sources. My husband was engineering a plan to remove the men promoting violence without being placed in harm’s way. As two additional onlookers [men] secretly spoke in their Polish language, the other group of men devised a method for eliminating the damage the “terrorists” desired to inflict on others by bringing their plot to light.

Before this strategy meeting, a sudden change associated with stress-related issues from the “service industry” was brought to the attention of the prophets for avoiding collateral damage, per the Lord. Throughout the scenes of this dream, there was a call to those seeking protection, and newfound freedom was beheld by those seeking asylum from harassment and emotional torment from foreign countries. Where an out-of-control situation began to accelerate rapidly between nations and parties at odds, a divine intervention was the saving grace for those in harm’s way.

In this dream, there was also an aspect of intercession void from public limelight, which produced the fruits of the spirit toward man-made expectations for aborting the violent plans of the enemy.

As I’ve pondered and prayed into this dream while also praying for the outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine, I’ve understood that the Father has aligned the earth with strategic movements through prayer warriors, modern-day prophets and Christian advocates—”service workers/military” standing in the gap on foreign soil; gap-standers in the face of war, for prophesying, for praying, and for heralding their spiritual authority and influence on behalf of a mutual ceasefire, or what some call “a truce of God.” And while the Spirit of God is awakening the church to heed His plans through unexpected ways of fulfilling the mandate of stewarding the end-time harvest, “cities of refuge” are prime soil for advocating a mass number of souls to come into the kingdom.

What’s quickened in my spirit while watching the results of war target innocent and unsuspecting bystanders is that God promises strategic outcomes through the voices of His prophets throughout Scripture. At the same time, His chosen vessels and alliances are positioned for His end-time prophecies to be fulfilled. Key players, hidden and some soon to be exposed, carry kingdom mandates and war-time assignments for positioning the earth through the birthing pains of God’s creation.

In the end, we are an army of God, each anointed to fulfill His mandate upon the earth. The Word of the Lord links us to the power of prayer, especially regarding the possibility of World War III, Russia, Ukraine and the involvement of Poland being a key country to watch according to this dream.

We have an essential assignment to steward the atmosphere through our unique gifting and callings per the Spirit of God. We understand that the dragon, through his demonic swirl, is wreaking havoc on the earth while the evidence of wars and rumors of war are the precursor for Christ’s return. We also know that Scripture instructs us to pray without ceasing and to be end-time harvesters preparing for a massive harvest of souls (1 Thess. 5:17).

In the era of the mouth [PEY]— and in the year of BET [what we create with our words and justified repayment]—there’s power in our actions!

Poland, known as “The Land of Fields” with the meaning of “rest here” with the arrival of the first Jews, has significant prophetic implications at this hour. Despite what our eyes see and our apprehensions dictate, the million-soul harvest spreads wide and broad for calling the prodigals home. Christ created the most significant impact by anointing the least of these to carry out His kingdom mission.

The Spirit of God says watch and pray. There’s more going on than meets the eye.

Harvesting in Unexpected Places

The Spirit of God calls for a bold breed of global evangelists to pick up the baton from a weary remnant threatening the end-time harvest. Where the strength of one stream is blazing through their assignments faces like flint and their countenance as strong as war horses, a collection of workers stuck in the mire of last season is dragging their feet from moving on into greater and greener pastures.

I was reminded of the Scripture verse in Jeremiah 5:12, “If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, Then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, in which you trusted, they wearied you, Then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?”

I was also reminded of another dream in 2021 where I was taken up in the Spirit to observe the harvest fields. When I reached the edge of the fields, ready for their season of reaping, I saw a sprawling scene of lush wheat prepared for harvesting. While admiring the beautiful crop, I heard myself say, “Where is everyone?” The harvest was ripe, but the laborers were few (Matt. 9:35-38), and it appeared many were tempted to rest and sleep amid the harvesting season.

What struck me most regarding these two pieces of relevant end-time revelation was how the passing of a mantle was the most likely resolution amid a growing and hungry end-time breed. Where the harvest fields were overflowing with the prospect of advancing the kingdom, a passing of a baton made room for all things to work together for His good.

A new anointing for the harvest is nigh for a remnant of faith-walking, risk-taking, prayer-wielding prophetic/deliverance and healing evangelists! Where a global remnant has served its time and pioneered past moves of an outpouring of the Spirit, voices of evangelism are on the rise for replacing what’s been out of order and time.

When one assignment ends, another begins, says the Spirit of God. The nations are ready for a new breed anointed with power while carrying a heart for the end-time harvest. A passing of the mantle for God-ordained evangelists is making its mark on the hungry at heart. Where the fields are in bloom and souls are crying out, a “jumpstart” breed is picking up the pieces of what’s been weary and exhausted from running in the thickets of the enemy’s new era tactics. The Spirit of God says, “Be not weary in well-doing, beloved. Watch for the month of June when the fields are in full bloom. I Am sending you out as sheep amongst wolves.

“Ready yourselves; the smell of my fragrance is in the air. Take a deep breath and take it all in. It’s time to arise from the ashes of unrealized supplications. I Am in the midst of thee! (Original word: 2/18/22.)

In closing, I released a prophetic word back in 2019 regarding the massive influx of illegal aliens and refugees who would seek the Lord during the end-time harvest.

The Spirit of God says, “I Am moving in new ways and in new power in the most unexpected places in the land; a harvest of new souls is emerging for such a time as this. A mass amount of ‘refugees’ (including the homeless, the outcasts, the prodigals, a lawless generation and illegal aliens) will come to know my name and the power of resurrection life. I Am birthing a new move of my Spirit through unexpected sources. I Am choosing undercover vessels to make my name well known and famous. I Am no respecter of persons, says the Spirit of the Lord. And I Am giving new life to those who surrender to My call.” {eoa}

Holly Watson is a prophetic voice with a mandate to awaken the bride of Christ to her end-times identity. Her passion is to release the heart of the Father in a pure and uncompromising way, while stirring this generation with the fire of the Holy Ghost. Holly’s desire is to see every person walk in liberty and freedom in Christ through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Holly ministers under a strong prophetic anointing and releases the healing power of the Holy Spirit under the Luke 4:18 mandate.

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