Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Dream: Missile Attack and Betrayal of America at the Highest Levels

From 1988 to 2021, I have had numerous prophetic dreams concerning America. Not one has contradicted another. All have been 100% harmonious and have been published for the edification of the public. I have never claimed that these are prophecies, because they are merely dreams of a prophetic nature. Regrettably, some of them came to pass before I dreamed them, and some after. Some have not yet come to pass, but what I saw in those dreams have been encouraged by some among the liberal left. I am referencing concentration camps where Christians and patriotic citizens might be placed. Such camps already exist.

I recently had another prophetic dream. Honestly, it seemed like a vision.

On a hot Sunday afternoon, May 9, 2021, I was driving from Oklahoma to California, where I had been visiting friends and ministering to one of them. I stopped along U.S. Highway 40 West and rested near Truck Stop 40. There, in broad daylight, still in the driver seat of my vehicle, I fell asleep, and I had another prophetic dream or a vision of turbulent times in America—possibly the end of America.

In the dream, I was in a military command and control center. The commander had left for the evening as the evening shift, comprised of military personnel, stood the watch. There, in the command and control center, was an incoming missile detection system. For some strange reason the commander left it off as she retired for the evening, leaving America defenseless and vulnerable to an incoming enemy missile attack. America was without a detection system in operation. Questions lingered—was she deliberately negligent in order to leave America defenseless and to allow America to be annihilated? Was this a communist plot?

Then, one of the military men who was keeping the watch turned the missile detection system on. It lit up. All its lights were on. America was now capable of detecting any enemy missile launch aimed at it. The military personnel were on alert. The solider who turned the system on had received word that that an attack was imminent—it was going to happen. He then proceeded to phone the commander to let her know that the incoming missile alert system she left off was now on. He and another military member who was on duty there knew it was going to happen. They just did not know when.

This is not a prophecy in which all the details must come to pass the way I saw it. Dreams often employ symbolism. What happens in such dreams may actually unfold in a different way with the same objective coming to pass. I am simply reporting what I saw. I am not prophesying. Unfortunately, this came to pass at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, and possibly on other occasions not reported by the mainstream media and the U.S. government. There are grave concerns that this will happen again in the future.

Jesus said:

But in those days, after that distress, ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give her light; the stars of heaven will fall, and the powers that are in heaven will be shaken’ (Mk. 13:24-25, MEV).

One of the possible meanings of Jesus’ prophecy, in language that His disciples could comprehend, is that the stars are missiles fired as nation attacks nation. The darkening of the sun and moon could be the effect of a nuclear holocaust. In such a scenario, the Pentagon could lose command and control over the U.S. armed forces.

Jesus continued:

Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. Then He will send His angels and gather His elect from the four winds, from the farthest part of the earth to the farthest part of heaven (Mk. 13:26-27, MEV).

The dream or vision I had on that hot, dreary, sleepy afternoon at a truck stop on May 9, 2021, is confirmation of what Jesus prophesied and accentuates the urgency that we be right with God and be ready for His soon return. {eoa}

Chaplain James Linzey is a retired Army chaplain, currently serving as a Southern Baptist chaplain with the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Department of Defense-recognized United States Army volunteer reserves. On active duty, he served as the command chaplain for Cluster III of Operation Noble Eagle II under Homeland Security, headquartered at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, supervising the religious programs for 12 Air Force and Army installations in the Southwest; command chaplain of the 5035th Garrison Support Unit, Fort Bliss, Texas, supervising the religious program for the largest mobilization and demobilization mission in the continental United States; and as the first full-time chaplain for the Leader’s Training Course under the U.S. Army Cadet Command at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

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