Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Dream: God Did It Before and He Will Do It Again

God showed His mighty power by parting the Red Sea for Moses and the Israelites. He wants to show that power again, but it's up to us to proclaim it.

On the morning of December 24, 2015 I dreamed for hours with God speaking the same thing to me over and over. He would say, “If you will show up, I will show off!”

In the dream I saw different scriptural scenarios in which this occurred. Jesus showed up at the pool of Bethesda and showed off God’s power to heal. Jesus showed up at the tomb of Lazarus showing off God’s power for resurrection life. In 2 Chronicles 20, God told Jehoshaphat that they would not need to fight in the battle, but that they still had to show up on the battlefield and He would show His power to destroy the enemy that had them surrounded.

I heard a second phrase in these dreams. … “If I did it then, I will do it again!” Every miracle we have ever read about in the Word, every revival or awakening from a past season, every example of a city or nation turning towards Christ becomes a foreshadowing of what God desires to do again!

In the dreams I was also reminded of Exodus 9:16 where God says that He raised up Pharaoh to show His power and that His name would be declared in all the earth. The word ‘show’ means to show or present oneself. In Egypt God first presented Himself and declared who He was to all the earth. God used an obstinate, hard-hearted, impossible situation to demonstrate His goodness and His power to His people. God partnered with Moses and Moses partnered with God to see a nation set free so that the whole world would know God’s name!

The Lord says “I will cause heaven to partner with earth in a new way in 2016. My people, if you will show up, I will show off! There are “Pharaohs” and “Pharaoh situations” that I have raised up which I will use as examples to demonstrate My power in the earth and make My name great.

As Moses showed up before Pharaoh, I showed off with signs, wonders and miracles that caused My people to be set free, the enemy to be destroyed and the wealth of Egypt to be released. I brought a divine reversal, out of slavery into freedom, out of besiegement into Jubilee, out of poverty into wealth. If I did it then, I will do it again!”

What miracle that God did THEN would you like to see Him do AGAIN?

Pastor Jane Hamon is a gifted teacher and storyteller. She has written three insightful books including Dreams and Visions, The Deborah Company, and The Cyrus Decree. She and her husband, Tom, have been in ministry together for more than 30 years and are the senior leaders of Vision Church and Christian International Ministries. 

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