Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Prophetic Dream: Azusa Awakening—4 Marks of the Coming Revival

On March 6, 2021, I had a dream where I saw several letter/postal boxes. The word “Azusa” was highlighted with a clear background on one of them, but I could not see what was written on the other post boxes, as the boxes were blacked out and not highlighted like the Azusa Street letterbox.

I woke up from this dream with these words in my spirit: “The Azusa Street Revival.” The Lord then put a Scripture in my spirit: “Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field” (Isa. 32:15a).

After I woke up, I began to pray for an outpouring of the Spirit of God upon our lives, streets and nations. Such was the impact of this revival in Azusa from 1906-1910 that the streets were flooded with the powerful outpouring of God’s Spirit, and the building could no longer contain those who came to be touched by God.

Tongues were loosed as many were baptized in the Spirit and many souls were saved. Although the timing of the revival itself was only from 1906-1910, it has impacted the Pentecostal movement many years after.

I sensed that the Lord highlighted the word “Azusa” in my dream because He longs for us to ask Him to revive this move in our nations once again.

A Season of Another Azusa-Type Revival Is Upon Us

In the dream I had, I believe the letterboxes represented past and future revivals, but the Azusa letterbox was highlighted because God works with seasons and times and this is heaven’s season for an outpouring—similar to the Azusa Revival, but I believe it will be far greater than the original.

The Azusa Revival was characterized by God’s Shekinah glory in the meetings, baptism in the Spirit and a powerful outpouring of God’s glory overflowing into the streets where many souls were saved. The original Azusa Street Revival led to the Pentecostal movement that spread around the world. The nations are ready for another visitation of this outpouring. This time, outpourings of God’s Spirit will start spontaneously in many nations, rather than in one location.

What will be the marks of this revival?

  1. The Spirit will fall spontaneously on preachers of the gospel. Some years ago, I had a dream where the Spirit fell on a Black woman preacher that I had not seen before, and her words became filled with such extraordinary power that awe and wonder fell on those who listened to her, and a crowd surrounded her listening with joy to the gospel she preached as they gave glory to God.

I believe this will be a revival where the faithful preachers of the gospel will be rewarded with visitations of God’s power.

  1. Outpourings of healing in unexpected places. On Jan. 7, 2021, I had a dream where as I walked outside, I passed by a very sick woman. The Spirit fell on me as I did so, causing me to instinctively lay hands on her to release healing. God’s Spirit fell on me, which caused me to do this in a place and season where physical contact during a pandemic was discouraged. The woman fell under the anointing as I laid hands on her, laying still as it happened.

A crowd gathered, distressed, as they had seen the woman fall after I had laid hands on her but didn’t understand why. They called the police to report me, thinking I had caused harm to her. The police came with the intent to arrest me when the woman got up with a big smile on her face, totally healed. The police, seeing this miracle, were unable to make the arrest.

The Scripture the Lord gave me after the Azusa dream was about the Spirit being poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness becoming a fruitful field (Isa. 32:15). I believe my dream of this spontaneous healing will be one of the marks of this Azusa-type of outpouring that the Lord wants to release. Outpourings of healing will spring forth in many places, including marketplaces. Lives that have been bereft of joy will be impacted by these outpourings of healing.

  1. The Shekinah Glory will rest in meetings. After the initial Azusa Street Revival ended, William Seymour, who was regarded as the leader of this movement, had declared that around 100 years from then an even greater outpouring would be released, and that one of the hallmarks would be God’s Shekinah glory resting in meetings.

Around 2014, I had a dream where, in a meeting, I was about to begin laying hands on the sick, when a man, led by the Spirit, told me that I did not need to do so, as the Lord was releasing a realm of glory around me where I would not need to lay hands on the sick in meetings, because in this realm of glory, the sick would automatically be healed.

Since that dream, I have experienced this intermittently in some meetings, but in April/May this year, whilst ministering at churches in Nigeria, the Lord released such a realm of glory that believers wept, while others exclaimed with joy as their sickness, pain, eye sight and injuries were healed in the glory, without me laying hands on them. This happened in all of the meetings.

One of these notable healings was a boy who looked about 10 years old, who sobbed as his body shook uncontrollably. He shared how all the pain had left his body and how just a day before the meeting, he had begged his older brother to take away his pain. He had been healed in the glory!

As I spoke, God’s glory wave swept the meetings, bringing instantaneous healings to many. I believe this is a foretaste of God’s glory that is going to gain momentum and acceleration. In meetings like this, and others, there are reports of God’s healing glory. I hear in my Spirit: “Watch and pray, for this will increase!”

  1. Tent meetings that host His glory. In the Old Testament there was a tent of meeting that hosted the glory of God. Such was the glory therein that Joshua the son of Nun would not depart but lingered (Ex. 33:11). We have seen some truly amazing reports of tent meetings of God’s glory in America. Tent meetings are springing up in England and other parts of the world. There will be an increase of God’s glory in these tents of meeting that are gathered to bring in the harvest.

I declare over everyone reading this post: Be filled with His power to overflowing! May your tongues be loosed to declare His wonders and gospel like never before. May rivers of His boldness fall on you as we believe for a revival of this great move of God’s Spirit. {eoa}

Ella Onakoya is the founder of Harvest of the Nations. She is an evangelist, a prophetic watchman and an author. She preaches a message of revival and awakening in various churches and conferences in the U.K., Europe, America, Africa and Asia. She also teaches at equipping schools where she trains and equips the body of Christ. She often ministers as a prophetic speaker to release God’s heart and voice to churches, communities and nations. God releases salvation, miracles, prophetic encouragement and various moves of the Holy Spirit where she ministers. For further information about her ministry please visit harvestofthenations.com.

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