Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophecy: This Month Is a Time of Divine Completion, Rest

Normally we do not publish the prophetic words God gives us. However, the word was so strongly felt for this seventh month of the year that we decided to write it down and publish it.

This prophetic word has already blessed thousands of believers who have heard it via social media or in one of our meetings or local church services. Our prayer is that the word of the Lord that follows will bless you as well.

This is a month where your process will be completed, marking the end of an old season in preparation of a new one which will soon begin.

In this process, I had to perfect (mature) some things in you. In this, you saw Me and yourself in a way you never have before. I allowed adversity to come into your life so that you would pursue hard after Me. You will now receive the answer to what you didn’t understand and revelation for what didn’t make sense before. Whatever you do, don’t even think about giving up now. Press through until what began is fully completed! Remember the apostle Paul’s words to the church, “I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil.1:6).

You’re coming out of the refiner’s fire, and only what was pure has remained. Just as it was with the three Hebrew boys who were cast in the burning fiery furnace, so it will be with you. You certainly won’t look like what you’ve been through and you definitely won’t smell like what you’ve come out of.

This also marks a time of rest for you. Rest is necessary in my promise of restoration. The old had to be removed so the new can be applied. But at the end of it, you will be refreshed from being in My presence. I am the great Shepherd King David writes about in Psalm 23, who leads you beside the still waters and makes you to lie down. In seasons past you have had to do all the work but, in this season, you can rest in Me and know I will do the work. I will give you perfect peace and assurance that you everything I have promised for you will come to pass.

You are now about to take off like a jet; going faster in a shorter amount of time, with greater results. You will walk in new strength without fainting or getting weary.

This is the time of harvest where you will enjoy the fruit of your labor. “For you shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you will be happy, and it shall be well with you” (Psalm 128:2). I have not forgotten your work, and I’ve taken note of your labor. Prosperity is your portion, and your debts have been forgiven. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward.

Just as it was with the children of Israel when they marched around the walls of Jericho, this is the seventh time around and marks the time for you to shout with a loud voice and get ready to possess the land. Every wall that was erected to keep you out of your promised land will fall down flat so you can suddenly enter. The delay is over.

According to Proverbs 6:31, which says if the thief be caught, he will have to repay; this is also your sevenfold payback season. Things that have been taken, have to be returned, seven times better, says God. You won’t only recover what was stolen, but you will receive restitution for how it affected you and how it made you feel.

Get ready for God to release to you everything that has been held up, held back and that which is behind time. It’s your season of divine acceleration.

La Jun and Valora Cole are a ministry power-team based in Tampa, Florida, where they serve as global senior pastors of Contagious Church with campuses in Tampa; Tallahassee; Jacksonville, Florida; and Charlotte, North Carolina. La Jun and Valora are published authors of several books, including their latest release with Destiny Image Publishers titled Sudden Breakthrough. They have appeared on television and radio stations globally, having traveled to over 80 U.S. cities and 23 foreign nations of the world. Their mission is to inspire, encourage and empower people around the world to discover, develop and deploy their God-given potential, purpose and destiny. Visit

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