Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Truth Bombs Are Falling, and the False will be Blown Away’

Recently, as I was seeking the Lord for wisdom on what I was sensing spiritually, Holy Spirit kept impressing upon me to revisit things He had told me in times past. As I did so, He highlighted a word I received a few years ago, emphasizing that it was a word that needed to be re-released because it is timely and necessary.

In April 2018 I had a dream that was very unusual and short. Upon awakening, it segued into two visions. In the dream I saw a screen of text messages, with a string of texts that were insignificant, and then one that was highlighted, which stated, “Truth bombs are falling.” The next message said, “You will know My prophets.”

“Word Warriors” Rising

I woke up and sought the Lord immediately, and I began to hear, “Truth bombs are falling, and the false will be blown away. There are special forces — ‘Word Warriors’ — rising. Prophets with an unction from the Holy Spirit, emboldened for the hour at hand, will be proclaiming truth across this land. No longer will confusion and error rule this nation; truth bombs will bring forth a holy oblation.”

I then went into a vision. I saw soldiers arrayed for battle as far as I could see. The next scene was darkness. I heard the whistling of bombs falling and saw them shattering the darkness with explosions of light. I heard, “The soldiers are My living epistles, voices of truth in the earth. They have stood on My Word and allowed it full reign in their lives. As they preach the fullness of truth, angel armies will be dispatched. They will take the words proclaimed and release them as bombs into the enemy camps.”

It’s Time for Truth to Resound as Thunder!

I didn’t understand why the Lord wanted this word released, as it seemed to me that this is always true. He responded to the question in my heart. I heard, “Yes, it is always true; the angels always hearken to My Word being spoken, to accomplish My will in the sending forth of My words. There is an urgent need for My Word to be preached in this season. Many have been led astray by the adulterated teachings of this day. My body has been torn asunder. It is time for My truth to resound as thunder.

A Fresh Wind and a New Sound

“I am sending a fresh wind of My Spirit that will cause a resurgence of truth that will shut the mouth of the enemy. This wind of My Spirit will bring forth a bold empowerment to My prophets to speak the truth. This wind will also cause a shifting and a sifting. My winnowing fan will separate the true from the false. Hunger for My Word will rise as the enemy’s camps are destroyed. The shackles will break. The light of truth will pierce into the heart, and I will pour My grace as salve, allowing the penetration of My love into the deepest wounds of the soul.

“A new sound is going forth upon the fresh wind of My Spirit blowing. The Spirit of truth will be heard in the land.

Uncovering Wells and Excavating Hidden Treasures

“There will be a great revealing of truth, an uncovering of ancient wells bringing exposure of lies, empowering and energizing My people to move forward with boldness and freedom as they have never experienced before. There will be an excavation of hidden treasures for the release of supply for My army rising.

“Even as you begin to move, to take that step of faith forward, there is an excitement and anticipation of the new lands ahead. I am removing all feelings of dread with the fresh wind of My Spirit. Those voices that have caused you to doubt and fear are becoming a distant whisper, as My fresh wind is causing your spirit to be more attuned to My voice than all the other voices.

God Is Flipping the Switch! The Light Will Come On

“There is an alignment into greater discernment — the ability to recognize truth. The spiritual gauges of many in the body have become dulled by the mixture of teachings, the inundation of lying voices through social media and ungodly agendas of the enemy. My wind is causing a shift, and there will be a great turning as falsehoods are exposed and truth is recognized. It will be as if the light has come on. In a moment of time, many will have their eyes opened, and their hearts will turn to Me.”

Scripture says, “Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God” (1 Cor. 4:5, KJV).

Prodigals are coming home. The captives will be set free as their eyes are opened, and they will see. Their ears will then begin to hear; the Spirit of truth will draw them near.

The Sound That Breaks Delay

There is a new sound coming, an unlocking of ancient wells of knowledge and understanding. This is not new truth, yet it is a new sound of ancient truth. I am hearing the Lord say, “It is the eternal sound of My presence moving in a new and fresh way, for the sound will affect even DNA, and break the patterns that cause delay.”

“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory” (1 Cor. 2:7, KJV).

Release of Angelic Assistance

I am hearing that angelic forces are being sent as the Word is preached in truth. There will be a great release of supernatural assistance with signs and wonders following.

“Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word” (Ps. 103:20, KJV).

“Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands” (Acts 14:3, KJV).

The “Greater” Is Coming

I am hearing that, even now, many are sensing the shift that has taken place in the spirit realm. Get ready. Be alert. The greater is coming; even now it is upon you.

“Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35, KJV).

I hear the Lord saying, “Be alert to My leading; I will show you how. In the days ahead, many knees will bow.” {eoa}

Alane Haynes was radically saved in 1981, when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to her. She immediately received salvation, deliverance and a supernatural healing of her body and mind. An apostolic and prophetic teacher and speaker, Alane has authored four books. The first, Moses – Shocked in the Desert, was birthed from a prophetic dream and many nights of Holy Spirit waking her to “Write what I tell you.” She podcasts through Charisma Podcast Network; Stirring of the Waters is her show. Alane and her husband, Kerry, are co-founders of Eternal Truth Now Ministry and are broadcasters on Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network ( They are passionate about the power of God’s Word and desire to see people fulfill their God-given destinies and bring His kingdom to the earth. When they are not ministering, Alane and Kerry enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren, and outdoors, enjoying the beauty of God’s creation. Visit Alane’s website at

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