Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘In April, You Will Be Astounded’

Beloved, are you ready for the Lord to move suddenly with good things in April? If so, you will be encouraged by what the Lord showed me today!

This is the prophetic word the Lord gave me for April 2021:

“I am pouring out My Spirit of freedom on you. In April, you will have a tremendous desire to be free from all shackles that bind you.

“This desire is from Me. Do what you can to get free, and trust Me to do the rest. Ask Me daily to free you from debt and from any imprisonment in your mind.

“There are things I planned for you before your birth that I will be pouring out on you in April.

“These are special things. It is true that I wrote all of your daily works in My books before the foundation of the world, but I am referring to special things here. There are special things that will come as a result of a kairos moment in April, things that will propel you forward into the bright and glorious future I have in store for you.

“Ask Me now to send My creative works to you from the four winds of heaven, and I will.”

My Spirit Will Blow on You

“You will be refreshed; springtime will come to your soul even as it comes to My earth. My Spirit is even now renewing and refreshing your soul, but the fullness of this work will be a process. By the end of April, you will feel completely rejuvenated again if you will cooperate with My Spirit.”

A Special Present Bestowed

“Look for it, and watch for it; it was created the year you were born, even though it will be a surprise to you. Things are coming full-circle to you, and you will be blessed and astounded! I say to you again, you will be astounded in April!”

Shielded From the Rebellion of Those Who Rise Against You

“The enemy has planned two attacks against you in April, but pray now for the devourer to be rebuked on your behalf. Pray now that the plans of the enemy would come to nothing, and I will step in and intervene on your behalf.”

Clearly See My Plans for You

“Even to your old age I will carry you, but you have been feeling lately like I have abandoned you. However, I say to you today: Far be it from Me to do such a thing! Abandoning you is not in Me! I am holy, pure, just and true, and I will remain faithful and true to you. It is who I am!

“In April, your life will shine again. The doldrums will be far from you; you will get your energy back! And with your energy will come a vision of your future.

“You have been seeing things so darkly, but indeed I say to you that in April you will see gold again! You will see clearly! Confusion and obscurity will be far from you; you will arise and shine into the morning of your life!”

Blessed in Your Doing

“Your work will be blessed; your business will be blessed; your business will prosper. Trust Me at all times with the things that concern you, for I am perfecting them all!

“I am with you to comfort you. Do not be afraid or dismayed, for I the Lord Your God am with you wherever you go. Go out in confidence, knowing that the Lord of hosts is on your side. Call upon Me as the Lord of hosts, and I will be with you in trouble. You shall come out shining like gold!

“Prepare for April; in April, you will be astounded,” says the Lord!

Beloved, are you ready to be astounded? If so, print this article off or write down the prayer points, and pray over them faithfully starting now and throughout the month of April! {eoa}

Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author, speaker and presence-seeker whose heart is for the local church. Called to intercession and prophetic ministry, her passion is to see sons and daughters transformed by the love of Abba Father. Jamie blogs for a global readership at fromhispresence.com, where she writes about prayer, personal revival and the supernatural lifestyle, and she has written for various ministry outlets. She holds a master’s in biblical studies from Berea Seminary and is a grateful member of the Redbud Writers Guild. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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