Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Be the Storm or Face the Storm’

As we enter into the early part of the key month of September, we have a choice before us. Here is what I heard the Spirit of Lord say today:

“Be the storm or face the storm. You choose. For surely the enemy has many plans and supposed surprises for September. However, My children, I am inviting you to be the big surprise and the big storm of September. I am saying, mobilize, move, march, meet, mix, meld and maximize. Maximize who I am in you. Weaponize who I am in you. Maximize by coming together in every way possible. Weaponize who I am by allowing Me to stir up radical love in you.

‘I Will Go Where You Go’

“I will be looking at you and following your lead. I will go where you go. I will move where you move. I will target what you target. I will expose what you expose. We are doing this together. We are taking back your cities, your states and your nations.”

“We are saying enough to death, destruction, deception and darkness! We are not passively waiting to see what awful and cowardly thing the enemy will next do. Enough!

“You will do your part, and I will do My part. I am teaching you how to be deliverers. I am training you how to become reformers. I am lifting you up to higher places and you must learn to remain and operate at that level.

“No more hunkering down. No more fear. No more dread. No more waiting for the other shoe to drop. No more passivity. No more pretend meekness. No more patronizing darkness. No more tap dancing with evil in government and calling it honor. No more. No more. Enough!”

Beheading the Enemy

“You will now rise. You will now be the storm of all storms against the enemy. You will be active with your prayer life. You will be active with your praise life. You will be active with your engagement of society. You will not be quiet. You will not be silent. You will not remain muted. You will not be meek in this battle, but you will be mighty.

“When Goliath is breathing down your neck it is not the time to promote restraint. When Jezebel is on the prowl, it is not the time to embrace mildness. They operate together through your media today. Somebody blow a trumpet! Sound an alarm on My holy mountain. This is an enemy you must behead. This is a foe you must rise against with courage. I will stun him with your little stone, but you will then use his very own weapon and behead him.

“How, you say? Well, I say to you, use your mouth, use your media, use your worship, use your praise, use your prophetic decrees, use your shofars, use your songs, use your tongues. Goliath’s sword was his mouth; use it back on him. Break, once and for all, the lie of powerlessness. Greater am I in you than what you can imagine. No more hiding and waiting. Enough!

Become the Storm of All Storms

“Yes, the battle is Mine, but I act when you show up on the battlefield. I respond to your courage to be there. I am teaching you that when you move on earth, it moves heaven. Show up everywhere you want Me to show up—and I will. We can set the agenda of the next three months and keep the enemy in continual flight. We can snuff out the big blows.

“Believe it or not, we are closer to massive breakthrough than you can imagine. The angels I am now sending are mop-up angels. Their wings carry thunder and lightning, and they are great, golden angels—but it is mop-up time.

“The big enemies have already been dealt with. I have already moved heaven and earth on your behalf. Yes, it is all about the children, and it is all about the nations. I am rescuing both, but move with Me. I am removing longstanding deep darkness. I am securing the advent of a new day. I am releasing you into a new era. You will hold the ground we are now taking, and you will launch forward from this new place.

“Today, rise up and be moved deeply. Let Me, through you, be the storm of all storms released on the enemy. He has it coming to him.” {eoa}

Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker and spiritual mentor. He is author of RISE, Becoming A Superhero, The Seven Mountain Mantle, Rainbow God and The Seven Mountain Prophecy. He and his wife, Elizabeth, are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: media, arts and entertainment, government, family, religion, economy and education.

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