Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Be Aware of Your Assignment’

The Lord Says, “I Am, the mighty God, is here with you. You do not need to be afraid.

“I hear your prayers. I know your concerns. It’s time to stop trembling in fear because of the storm surrounding you.

“My love for you is like an umbrella of protection. You are covered by My blood. The blood of the lamb is on the doorpost of your soul.

“Turn your eyes to Me and rest in My presence.

“Through Me, look over the condition of the world. Yes, I see the injustices; I see the lives of the innocent destroyed before they have taken their first breath. I see the hidden greed and corruption; I also see the lost needlessly slipping into an eternity without Me, an eternity of judgement.

“I also see many of My people drinking the poison of this world, the dark media that pollutes their hearts and clouds their judgement. Turn your eyes from such things and again I say, look at Me. For I am gentle, and My presence is abiding in you.

“As you abide in My presence, I will make your assignments clear to you. It is not My will that even one be lost because they have not received My grace. Yet people are dying without ever knowing the truth of who I am, of the gift of grace I offer to them.

“Ask Me, and I will show you how to tell them of My love. For this is your assignment. You may have known this assignment before, and you may have put it on a shelf. Some assignments have gone unclaimed, deemed as impossible or too costly. Other assignments are fresh and ready for you to discover.

“Do not shrug off your assignment any longer. Do not think someone else will do it. I have called you.

“Do not worry if your assignment is small or if your assignment seems impossible. Whether you serve Me in a role as small as a hinge on a door, or receive the assignment to walk through that door, both of your roles are of critical importance. For the door swings on the hinge and opens for the person called to walk through it. So let Me use you however I will without comparing your assignment to another.

“Trust Me in whatever your assignment calls you to do, even if it seems bigger than you. For I am bigger than your assignment. I am with you and I will show you each step. I will be your guide, your protector and your provider.

“You must understand I love the lost and I sent My only Son to die for them. Each person was known to Me in their mother’s womb. Each one was fashioned from a piece of My own heart. I so long to breathe the breath of My Spirit into them, so they may become a new creation in Me. I long for their eyes to open to Me so they will see and know Me. Otherwise, they will perish into eternity without Me.

“If you do not respond to My call, the people will perish. Do not look down at them in their state of sin, judging them from your state of grace. Do not turn away from them, as Jonah tried to turn away from his assignment to preach repentance to those sinners of Nineveh. Instead, ask Me to teach you how to love those to whom I am calling you to share the Good News.

“Ask Me, and I will show you how to rescue them from judgment and discover My grace through my Son Jesus. Yes, you will have to leave your comfort zone, but through Me, you will be able to receive your assignment and to accomplish it—For I am with you.

“Those who reside in the darkness of Nineveh are doomed to My judgement, but you have the key to open the door of escape, and lead the lost to life. You have the assignment to tell those in Nineveh they can be saved if they repent and turn to Me.

“Will you seek Me in your call?” {eoa}

Linda Evans Shepherd is the author of 36 books including When You Need to Move a Mountain (Revell), and is the leader of Advanced Writers & Speakers Association which helps lead 600 Christian women authors to rise up in their callings. Linda is also the leader of Arise Esther™ LLC. Their first virtual Arise Esther Conference, February 24–26, 2021, is set to inspire, empower and equip the women of the church to rise up to their callings. For registration information, visit:

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