Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophecy: The Ground Is Breaking Open for You

“He was very thirsty, and he called out to the Lord, ‘You gave this great deliverance through Your servant, but now may I die of thirst and fall into the hands of the uncircumcised?’

“So God split open the basin at Lehi, and water flowed out of it. He drank, was refreshed, and revived. Because of this he called the place En Hakkore, which is in Lehi to this day” (Judg. 15:18–19).

Several days ago, while I was studying the Word, the Holy Spirit arrested me on this verse. I knew He was speaking and wanted to tell me something, so I read it again.

“He was very thirsty, and he called out to the Lord …”

Three verses earlier, the Bible says that the Spirit of the Lord had come upon Samson, and he grabbed the jawbone of a donkey, striking down a thousand Philistines.

“You gave me this great deliverance … but now may I die of thirst and fall into the hands of the uncircumcised?” (Judg. 15:18).

Samson was weary after this intense battle, and now it seemed that a dehydrated death was his fate. He had no strength left, but he did have a prayer: “… he called out to the Lord …”

“So God split open the basin at Lehi, and water flowed out of it. He drank, was refreshed, and revived. Because of this, he called the place En Hakkore, which is in Lehi to this day” (Judg. 15:19).

A war-weary Samson called out to God in a moment of desperation, and God split open the very ground Samson stood on, causing refreshing water to flow!

En Hakkore means “the fountain of the crier,” or “the spring of one who prays.”

As I read this, my spirit leapt within me! I began to receive a word from the Lord that I must share! To the worn out, war-weary ones, those who have fought and maybe even seen great victory but now it looks like a dehydrated death in the dust is your portion, I am here to tell you, there is an En Hakkore for you.

I believe many are beginning to step into a realm of groundbreaking refreshing and revival. Your prayers have come up before the Lord, and He is answering with a well in a dry place—a spiritual En Hakkore, the fountain of the crier, the spring of one who prays!

The same Spirit of God that came upon Samson in verse 14, giving him supernatural strength and skill to slay a thousand Philistines, is the same Spirit of God that broke open the ground beneath him to bring refreshing at a time of certain demise.

The ground is breaking open beneath you.

This same Spirit of God that broke open the ground to release refreshing water is the same Holy Spirit that is causing tremors in the dry ground beneath you. These tremors are cracking open the dusty places, the dead soil and the parched earth to release waters of revival that will bring a supernatural restoration to you.

“So God split open the basin at Lehi, and water flowed out of it. He drank, was refreshed, and revived …” (Judg. 15:19).

The dust is not your portion; the ground is breaking open, and I hear the Lord say, “Drink deep!” He did not bring you through the battle for you to die in the dust. He did not bring you this far to leave you in the hands of the adversary. I charge you to begin to decree En Hakkore to the dry areas. Prophesy over the dust and see God release a supernatural stream of restoration, refreshing and revival. This supernatural stream may be a filling of His Spirit that will invigorate you. For some it will be an unexpected stream of finances that will not just meet needs but exceed needs. For others, the glory of God will settle on you in an unprecedented way, bringing revival to the dry places.

In fact, I have already experienced this spiritual En Hakkore in my life since the Lord began to speak to me about it.

As we have just stepped into the second half of this year, I believe there are many who need refreshing to not just finish but to finish strong. God doesn’t want to just carry you through the remainder of this year; He wants you to ride a river of glory into 2018. God is releasing the stream. Now you must drink and drink deep.

The ground is breaking open; there is an En Hakkore for you! {eoa}

Jason Tanksley began in ministry after training and serving under his spiritual father, apostle Ryan LeStrange. Jason leads iHUB, a growing and thriving revival hub located in Bristol, Virginia. He is also the founder of JTM, a ministry with a mandate to ignite, inspire and awaken the ekklesia. Jason and his wife, Robin have four children and reside in Bristol, Virginia.

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