Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophecy: Spirit of Innovation Coming to the Church

It’s apparent that the world has morphed and is morphing. In July 2017, Bloomberg declared, “The World is About to Change Even Faster” in a news article about how the pace of innovation and disruption is accelerating.

Indeed, we are in an age of innovation and acceleration. Prophetically speaking, as part of this metamorphosis I see a spirit of innovation coming into the church. The see innovations throughout the Bible in the form of inventions, which are tied to our creator God’s wisdom impartations. Proverbs 8:12 tells us, “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.”

The Bible speaks of Jubal, the first of those who played the harp and flute (see Gen. 4:21) and Zillah, the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron (see Gen. 4:22). Second Chronicles 26:15 speaks of Uriah, who made engines of war invented by skillful men.

In modern times, many inventors credit God with their innovations. George Washington Carver, who invented at least 300 products from peanuts—including paper, soap, glue and medicines—said, “The Lord has guided me,” and “without my Savior, I am nothing.” Mary Hunter, an award-winning chef, insists all her recipes come from heaven: “I don’t have a cookbook. God gives me my own. Prayer is where I get 99 percent of my recipes.”

Gary Starkweather, an engineer who invented the laser printer, said: “I believe that to a great extent, the creativity we possess is because the Creator put it there. God put things [in us] as tool developers and creative individuals and I think it has to please Him when He sees us use those faculties to make something completely new.”

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