Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophecy: Now Is the Time to Resist the Enemy

“Therefore submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).

Do you know what time it is? Is your watch synchronized with heaven?

For those who are watching and discerning movements in the spiritual realm, know that this is not the time to acquiesce, comply or back down. Nor is it the time to fight one another or battle for vindication. As the enemies of God spew out their defiant destruction on anything holy and pure, it is time for the people of God to take their stand and resist the devil.

“Be sober and watchful, because your adversary the devil walks around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Pet. 5:8).

If you think it’s time to pull back and sing campfire songs for the sake of unity, your clock is off. This is not the time to hope for some false compromise in hopes of a better day dawning. Our spiritual adversary is beating down the door of this nation and demanding entrance. The principalities aligned against us are not looking for another “opportune time” (see Luke 4:13). They have already determined that this is their hour, and this is their time to steal, kill and destroy. They will stop at nothing to seize control and subjugate any who stand in their way. This is why we cannot sit down, go back to sleep or stand on the sidelines. We must stand at the gates of this nation together and resist this demonic onslaught.

How Do We Do That?

“Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done all, to stand” (Eph. 6:13).

— Pursue the truth by asking questions, searching for answers and verifying information. Don’t presume to know the outcome or assume we’re being beaten. Get with others who are on the front lines and search out the matter until there is clarity. Ask for first-hand revelation, and know that the truth will always set you free.

— Guard your heart and mind by knowing God’s Word and refusing counterfeit voices. Recognize the wolves, and avoid their deceptive arguments. This is the time of separating the truth from the lies and the compromised from the pure in heart. A necessary division between the wolves and the sheep must take place in order to bring the true sheep into oneness of heart and agreement in vision.

— Demonstrate a holy life in your speech and your conduct. Don’t get pulled into meaningless disputes and distracting rumors. Guard your integrity by being a person of your word and a vessel of honor. Speak and act in such a way to nullify any threat or accusation that comes against you. It is the testimony and prayers of the righteous that are powerful and effective.

— Walk by faith and not by sight. Do not allow yourself to doubt God’s promises because of peer pressure or natural circumstances. Fix your eyes on things above and not on things below. Build up your most holy faith by revisiting and declaring aloud the purposes of God and His covenant claim on this land and His people.

— Pray for one another to be persevering in hope, patient in affliction and resolute in our cause. Be merciful to the weak and compassionate to the doubting. But, to those who side with the darkness and defend its wicked hold, refuse their demands and hold your ground. Know that the power of your voice can silence the enemy and thwart his advance.

To resist is not fleshly aggression or forceful domination. It is not yelling in someone’s face or attacking someone’s character or viewpoint. It is simply standing for the truth and holding your ground—regardless of the opposition.

It is clinging to God’s words and prophetic decrees with a fervent conviction and righteous zeal. For the enemy to flee, we must do our part by resisting his dictates and standing firm in our profession of faith. May we be those who overcome by keeping God’s Word until the end.

The authority over nations will be our reward (Rev. 2:26). {eoa}

Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America and writes for several national online publications. She is also a speaker and the author of five books including Prayer That Sparks National Revival and Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling Through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God. Follow her blog at

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