Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Prophecy: Issachar Prophets and Intercessors Are Arising

God spoke to me when I was recently in Manhattan, New York with a company of prophets. As I was releasing the Word of the Lord in the Big Apple, the Lord showed me that there is a remnant of prophets and prophetic intercessors arising that will carry the prophetic forecast of what He is doing now and next for the body of Christ. These prophetic vessels will understand the times and seasons they are in and know what to do in seasons of opportunities.

In addition, these prophets will understand the kairos seasons of God and will be able to properly foretell and forth-tell the prophetic timetable of God for man to possess the promises of the Lord for your life and those you are called to bless. The Lord revealed to me in prayer that the prophetic intercessors will be used tremendously to detect, monitor and stand in the gap for believers to receive their just due reward.

The prophets will be able to prophesy and proclaim what I call a “God season.” I ask the Lord what type of prophets and prophetic intercessors are coming? He replied that they are the Issachar prophets and intercessors who will possess supernatural intelligence by the Holy Spirit to position the body of Christ for glory, seasons of favor and revival. These Issachar prophets and intercessors will have an anointing to pray through and prophesy hidden riches in secrets places.

“I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and shatter the bars of iron. And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places so that you may know that I, the Lord, who calls you by your name, am the God of Israel” (Isa. 45:2-3).

Moreover, the Issachar prophets will have the ability to teach the body of Christ how to build for success, future and how to obtain divine blessings domestically. These prophets will know how to shift one’s spiritual economy. Prophets were instrumental in the days of Haggai and Ezra in advancing the purposes of God to rally the people who lost their zeal to finish what God has started. Issachar prophets that God will use those who possess the supernatural ability to prophesy in times of lack and will be able to locate pools of blessings spiritually.

“So the Jewish elders continued their work, and they were greatly encouraged by the preaching of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah son of Iddo. The Temple was finally finished, as had been commanded by the God of Israel and decreed by Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes, the kings of Persia” (Ezra 6:14, NLT).

We can see that the prophetic was an important ingredient God used to cause the building project of the temple to be completed. The Issachar prophets and prophetic intercessors will carry the burden of the Lord in their hearts to pray and prophesy until everything that God has destined His people to do will happen. We can also see in Ezra 6:14 that the Jewish leadership team continued their work and was greatly encouraged through the prophesying/preaching of the prophets.

We must have modern-day prophets working together with the leadership in the church to build what God desires to accomplish in the earth to bless generations to come. The prophetic ministry and ministry of prayer/intercession are key to sustaining and maintaining revival, seasons of breakthrough and divine blessings. One may ask what does the word “Issachar” mean biblically? Issachar is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Issachar is “his reward will come” or “man of wages.”

Issachar was one of the 12 sons of Jacob who founded the 12 tribes of Israel. He was the fifth son of Leah, and his name also means “laborer” or “hired hand.” God spoke to me that He was releasing settlements, bonuses, incentives, back pay and just reward to the faithful seekers of Him. The Issachar prophets and prophetic intercessors will be able to penetrate demonic blockages with the truth of God’s Word. There are many who were waiting on their prayers to be answered, and the time is now. God told me that there are many believers who has tilled the ground and planted seeds but harvested little or nothing.

God said He was unleashing the Issachar prophets and prayer warriors that will help His people receive double for their trouble. Issachar was peculiar, and a small tribe of Israel who possessed a special prophetic anointing to discern and predict spiritual movements, patterns, seasons of wealth and acquisition. Each of the 12 sons of Israel received a prophetic blessing and impartation from their father, Jacob, just before his death. The 12 sons were the progenitors of the 12 tribes of Israel, and Jacob’s blessings contained prophetic data each of the tribe.

In the case of the tribe of Issachar, Jacob prophesied, “Issachar is a strong donkey, lying down between two burdens; he saw that a resting place was good, and that the land was pleasant; so he bowed his shoulder to bear the burden and became a slave to forced labor” (Gen. 49:14-15, MEV). The Issachar prophets and intercessors will be strong, mighty and robust, able to bear burdens for others and for the Lord to see supernatural breakthroughs. These rising prophets and prayer warriors will be humble and strong bondservants of Christ, able to labor in prayer to get instant results for cities, regions, churches, ministries and nations.

These prophetic men and women of God will have the prophetic precision to do spiritual audits and know what you should do next. There is another reference to the men of Issachar during the days of David’s struggle against King Saul (1 Chron. 12:32). God is going give these prophets and intercessors the prophetic advantage to help you overcome personal struggles and financial lack. Get ready to receive full compensation for what you have been laboring for in prayer with blood, sweat and tears. Your labor will not produce lack, but abundance. {eoa}

Dr. Hakeem Collins is an empowerment specialist, respected emerging prophetic voice, apostolic leader, governmental minister, life coach and sought-after conference speaker. He is known for his keen accurate prophetic gifting and supernatural ministry. Follow him on: facebook.com/drhakeemcollins and hakeemcollinsministries.com.

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