Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophecy: I Heard the Lord Say a ‘Domino Effect’ Is Coming

Recently, in a time of corporate prayer, I heard the Lord say, “domino effect.” When the Lord said this, I knew what He was saying is that God is lining everything up in order for many people to receive breakthrough in the areas they have been contending and praying for. Once God gets all of these things into alignment, a domino effect will happen where everything God has lined up for you will fall into place one after another. The domino effect that is coming for many people will be like a chain reaction in the Spirit where one event or breakthrough will set off a chain, or domino effect, of many other things breaking through and falling into place for the people of God.

Have you ever been to a chiropractor to get an adjustment? When a chiropractor makes one adjustment to your spine or neck, it causes the other places to come into alignment. Your alignment with the Word of God and the prophetic words spoken over your life will cause things in your life to come into alignment so that you can experience the domino effect.

There have been times where I would sit down with my traveling schedule and pray about where God would have me to go minister. I remember during a particular season, I only had a handful of ministry dates booked and I prayed that God would send me wherever else He wanted me to go. Just a few days later, I received a bunch of different invitations to come and minister one after another, like a domino effect.

In Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit came like a mighty rushing wind into the upper room, it was like a domino effect, where every person was filled with the Spirit of God. I’ve also experienced a domino effect financially, where one seed caused a domino effect of harvest and blessings. I’ve also sown into other ministries and ministers all at once, like a domino effect. I’ve experienced a domino effect in the area of healing. Whatever you are in need of and are believing for, there is a domino effect coming to you, my friends.

Some of you are waiting for your breakthrough. Some of you are waiting for your finances to turn around. Some of you are waiting for prodigal family members and people that you know to come back to God and the house of God. Many of you are waiting for different things to start happening but be encouraged, my friends, there is domino effect coming to your life!

Some of you are waiting to be released. You may be waiting to be released to entrepreneur a new business. You may be waiting to be released into ministry. Whatever it is you are waiting to be released into, don’t be discouraged! You are about to enter into a season where you will be released, and it will be like a domino effect. I remember when the Lord told me, “I’m about to release you into your region.” Then, He began to release me to be a voice in my region. Then I remember when the Lord spoke to me again and said, “I’m about to release you into the greater region.” Then He began to send me out into the greater region to bring reformation and the message of the kingdom of God. And then I remember when the Lord spoke to me again and said, “I’m about to release you into the nation.” And then He began to send me to different places all over America to minister. In every season of waiting to be released, I was like a lion in a cage, but when I was released, it was like a domino effect, and I was released into different spheres of influence one after another.

Don’t grow weary in seeking the Lord or in the waiting; there is a domino effect that is about to be released into your life. As soon as the Lord aligns everything perfectly, you will experience breakthrough, increase and release one after another, just like a domino effect! {eoa}

Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and apostle of ROAR Apostolic Network and ROAR Church Texarkana. Joe Joe is married to the love of his life, Autumn Dawson, and they have three children, Malachi, Judah and Ezra. The Dawsons live and teach a lifestyle of revival and awakening. Their desire is to see every believer fulfill their God-given destiny and live life to the fullest in God. Joe Joe is also the author of Living Your God-Sized Dream and Recipe for Revival. To connect with Joe Joe or for more information, visit

This article originally appeared at

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