Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophecy: God Is Raising Up End-Times Prophetic Messengers

God is raising up end time prophetic messengers who will proclaim Jesus Christ and all of His glory to the ends of the earth. Even now, these lovesick forerunners are preparing the bride to meet their bridegroom King. The Word of God burns inside of them like fire in their bones that they cannot contain. They are daily experiencing intimate encounters with the Son of God as they sit with Him and learn how to meditate upon His Word day and night.

These sons and daughters will help usher in revival to the church, centered upon the knowledge of God and encountering the person of Jesus. This company of burning and shining lamps will devour the Word of God. They will say “yes” to fresh encounters on the road to Emmaus where the unveiling of Christ will be made known to them through the Law, the Psalms, the Prophets and the New Testament. As these prophetic messengers learn to walk the road to Emmaus, they will continually invite others to join them on this incredible pursuit for the truth that can only be found in God’s Word.

Is your heart burning within you to personally encounter the glorious person of Jesus Christ and make Him known to the world around you? Revelation 19:10b says, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” In other words, when the spirit of prophecy begins to move among a fellowship of believers, they will begin to declare with a passionate and burning heart cry who Jesus Christ really is to a generation.

A Revival of the Word of God

Some of our churches today have become full of people who are spiritually starving, while stuffed with every physical comfort and pleasure. We have in many ways successfully birthed a churchgoing generation addicted to video games, movies and entertainment, but has no real appetite for the Word of God. Jeremiah cried out to his generation and said, “Indeed, the word of the Lord is a reproach to them; they have no delight in it” (Jer. 6:10).

In the midst of this crisis where the Bible has become a reproach to many Christians and they no longer take delight in it, God is raising up a generation of plumb line prophets who are going to help the body of Christ rediscover hearing, delighting in, trembling before and obeying the Word of God. A bored generation of churchgoers who are desperately searching for ways to get through their quiet times with God are going to encounter prophetic messengers who burn with the fire of God’s Word in their bellies.

I see a hungry and growing remnant of saints and church leaders who will absolutely love the Word of God and build their lives and ministries upon it. Plumb line prophets are emerging who will be used mightily in a spirit of wisdom and revelation to enlighten the eyes of the church to the power found in the Bible. There is a man who lives between the lines of Scripture; His name is Jesus. Many Christians say, “I know that verse,” but my question is, “Does that verse know you?”

Overemphasis on Personal Prophecy

I’m deeply concerned that in some parts of the contemporary prophetic movement, there is an overemphasis on the giving out of personal prophecy at the expense of the preaching and teaching of the Word of God. I have had multiple pastors and saints at different conferences and churches throughout the world tell me, “Put down your Bible and prophesy to us.”

If we drift from the foundation of the Word of God in the contemporary prophetic movement, we will create a generation of prophetic people who are hungry to be stimulated with words of blessing but do not want to get impregnated with the truth of God’s Word. Many will hunger for personal prophecy but reject the foundation and place of encounter in the Bible. We must have prophets and prophetic people who want more than to be tickled with promises of destiny and wealth. We must be provoked into holy and righteous living through biblical teaching and preaching.

I see God raising up plumb line prophets in the earth who are going to teach and encourage a generation to primarily give themselves to the study of the revealed will of God found in Scripture and less time chasing after the hidden will of God often times revealed in experiences. We desperately need to see the Word of God handled accurately and with integrity in the contemporary prophetic movement. {eoa}

Jeremiah Johnson is a gifted teacher, prophet and author of multiple books. He travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah has been a guest on Christian television and radio shows including The Jim Bakker Show, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural and “Ask Dr. Brown,” as well as on networks such as Daystar, TBN and GodTV. For more information, please visit or check out the fivefold full-time school of ministry Jeremiah leads in Lakeland, Florida, called Maranatha School of Ministry at Purchase your copy today of his new book, Trump, 2019 and Beyond at

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